linwood said:I believe it lends itself to abortion perfectly.
During the entire first 8 weeks of any human pregancy it is an embryo that is held in a womans womb not a fetus.
This is when most abortions are performed.
The point is that pro-lifers don`t value an embryo as they value human life.
The learning experience this has given me is that pro-lifers attach more value to even a fetus the farther along it gets in development so truly they don`t even attach the same value to a fetus as they do a living human.
The battle cry that "Life Begins at Conception!!"
Or "It`s not potential life it is human life!!" is nothing more than emotional PR.
It`s false even in their own minds, the thing is that they don`t seem to know their own minds.
This thread has illustrated that.
Yes... it is an argument that cannot be sustained.