I came to the path of religion via the practice of shamanism: the use of a drum or rattle to enter alternate realities, places that are generally understood to be closer to the divine than the realm we live in. Here, I could talk to spirits and gods, and learn from them, rather than from the tracts and priests of my own world - and so I was not asked to believe in anything I could not verify for myself.
This also means that I don't belong completely to any one religion, though I generally claim the one that resonates most with me, and the one with gods who had the same practice as me: norse heathenry.
By that I don't mean that you should pick up either shamanism or heathenry, just that you should try to establish what spiritual truths are correct for you, rather than let dogma influence you unduly. It is a very good bible verse, and I think I shall put it on the altar for a while, thanks!