Lionel Refson
What Facebook has just done with Nick Clegg is interesting.,an independent court to help Facebook and other social media platforms make decisions as to which content should be included/excluded. The courts rulings are binding...
Perhaps there should be an International court of moderate abrahamic religious leaders , and representative of all factions, whose job it is to interpret all those verses that encourage violence, hatred, divisiveness etc. and either change them, remove them or probably the best option, rule, in a binding way on the best way that they should be re-interpreted . The rulings would be binding on all Rabbis, Priests, Vicars, Imams and so on ...........and if the rules are broken that teacher/preacher should be held accounatble.
Even if the verses cannot be re-interpreted then there should be added a modern day explanation why the verse is not appropriate in today's society.
if you are wondering why I suggest moderate leaders that is because they will set the standard for this revision of the texts
I urge you, before you reply to also take a look at I played no part in that article but religious violence is on the increase, especially in Europe and requires treatment.
What are your views on this proposal?
Perhaps there should be an International court of moderate abrahamic religious leaders , and representative of all factions, whose job it is to interpret all those verses that encourage violence, hatred, divisiveness etc. and either change them, remove them or probably the best option, rule, in a binding way on the best way that they should be re-interpreted . The rulings would be binding on all Rabbis, Priests, Vicars, Imams and so on ...........and if the rules are broken that teacher/preacher should be held accounatble.
Even if the verses cannot be re-interpreted then there should be added a modern day explanation why the verse is not appropriate in today's society.
if you are wondering why I suggest moderate leaders that is because they will set the standard for this revision of the texts
I urge you, before you reply to also take a look at I played no part in that article but religious violence is on the increase, especially in Europe and requires treatment.
What are your views on this proposal?