What do you think is the true gender of God?
In all honesty, I always dislike being asked this, because the answer is always as complicated as the question.
But I will answer by saying that I deeply believe and intuit God to be a Being who is beyond human comprehension and understanding. I see God existing as One who encompasses absolutely everything that exists on a atomic or energetic levelyet even with all that, I know there is WAY more!
God also represents all timethe past, present and future that we are each existing in as a unique personality and while all this is going on, at the same timeGod also has an infinite and distinct personality.
But even "God", as a "Persona" or "Presence" is still way beyond our comprehension. So what do we humans' do to try to understand this Persona or Presence?we try to compare it to our own! And usually this boils down to us putting "God" as a gender or form we are personally comfortable seeing in a seat of control. From a conscious viewpoint in regard to gender: some men and women do not trust women, so they consistently see God only as a man. Some women and men do not trust men, so they consistently see God only as a woman. Yet, when looking at God from Divine viewpoint you must realize that in truth, as God exists in such a state of Totality, it stands to reason that "God" (in His or Her absolute form) is completely genderlessand exists for all of us an unlimited amount of faces and images.
However, now that I have pointed all this out, I want to say that I full-well know that their are very definite, discernable energies that come from God that we can sense as being either masculine or feminine. Because of this, I believe that God (in personality) speaks or reveals Him/Her Self to us using a voicing and/or image (whether masculine or feminine) that we most relate to or need to experience at the time.
When I was a child, I was most comfortable with seeing God literally as my "Heavenly Father" and I would hear from Him speaking to me with a voice I can only think to call male. Even today, with my enlightened way of seeing and thinking about God, I am still often comforted by a vision of God as a kind, strong, older man. Especially as it is becoming more obvious that we are living in a world where there is so little well-balanced male leadership and honest-to-goodness integrity!
Yet at the same time, I am aware that my Soul has had many lifetimes and existed in many religious belief systems where I have been comforted by the conscious notion of God as a masculine presence. But I know in my Heart of Hearts that God ALSO exists as a Divine Feminine presence. For years now my Spirit has told me that this is the part of God we see as, "The Holy Spirit." And since I am mentioning this here, I also want to make it quite clear that I believe our world and humanity has developed a tremendous unbalance due to the fact that The Divine Feminine has not been properly regarded in our religious systems. I think in order to have a healthy Self image of your own Spirit, you need to have both masculine and feminine principle represented and properly regarded. Until then the ego will define gender roles for us and subject many people to unnecessary trials and tribulations." (Christian Andreason, chapter 2)