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Iran - public hanging?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Their punishment differs from ours, but one man's barbarism is another's civilization.
They tried him, found him guilty of murder, & executed him. Big deal.
If anything, it's worse in countries which hide executions from the public, lest their dainty sensibilities be offended.


Agnostic Pantheist
If anything, it's worse in countries which hide executions from the public, lest their dainty sensibilities be offended.
The latest hanging brings to 202 the number of executions reported in Iran so far this year, according to an AFP tally based on media and official reports.
Iranian media reported 179 hangings last year but international human rights groups say the actual number was much higher, ranking the Islamic republic second only to China in the number of people it executed in 2010.

Read more: Alireza Molla-Soltani execution: Teenager publicly hanged after killing 'Iran's strongest man' | Mail Online


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The latest hanging brings to 202 the number of executions reported in Iran so far this year, according to an AFP tally based on media and official reports.
Iranian media reported 179 hangings last year but international human rights groups say the actual number was much higher, ranking the Islamic republic second only to China in the number of people it executed in 2010.
Read more: Alireza Molla-Soltani execution: Teenager publicly hanged after killing 'Iran's strongest man' | Mail Online
Just in case I was unclear, by "worse", I was thinking of morality. In the US, we execute criminals, but we
sanitize the process by hiding it from the public. Thus, people permit something without facing its grisly side.
I find this questionable.


This is just garbage.

A barbarian would have ripped out the kid's entrails and showed it to him before he died. Or dismembered him while he was alive. Or perhaps killed his whole family in frount of him and gouged out his eyes so it's the last thing he ever sees (my personal favorite). Or boil him alive in oil. Or skin him alive. Or starve him for a while and feed him his own arms and legs (another favorite).

You seriously lack imagination. And I personally find it disguisting that you seem to be judging a whole people based on this incident.


Or perhaps killed his whole family in frount of him and gouged out his eyes so it's the last thing he ever sees (my personal favorite).

This would be my puishment for the corrupt corporate executives who purposefully ruined the economy. If we took their crime seriously, we'd punish it severely, and after a few executives were punished thusly, it would serve as an effective deterrant.

Unfortunately, we have no backbone and we just lay there naked and let them rape us over and over again. Heck, we even pay for it.

Or starve him for a while and feed him his own arms and legs (another favorite).

A punishment for murder.


Just in case I was unclear, by "worse", I was thinking of morality. In the US, we execute criminals, but we
sanitize the process by hiding it from the public. Thus, people permit something without facing its grisly side.
I find this questionable.

I completely agree, and this also deprives the deterrence value.

And besides that, Lethal Injection is one of the most inhumane ways to kill people, and is administered mostly by people who the inventor calls "complete idiots" in his lament about how badly the condemned suffer. Perhaps it suits some of the rightfully condemned though.


Veteran Member
Premium Member

You need to clarify which part are you objecting to.

Death penalty?

The fact that it was a public execution?

His age?

The fact that the article says he said that he was defending himself?

If your objection is on the first one, i disagree that there is anything barbaric about punishing someone with death when they have ended someone else's life unjustly. Feel free to say why you think it is barbaric though, which would give something to properly address. I however disagree with the number of things the death penalty is applied to in some countries, and think we should require more evidence than normal in order to apply the punishment.

If any of the other three options, i would understand what you said and agree to a certain extent. I agree that public executions are barbaric, for more than one reason in my view. The reason i said i would agree to an extent is regarding his age and his claim that he was defending himself. I would need more details about the issue in order to be able to condemn this.

The mere fact that he said so on its own, or the fact that he cried and begged for his life, as sad as it is doesn't come even close to say that they are barbarians. Criminals most of the time claim innocence and naturally many of them will be afraid of punishment, and particularly in this case when the punishment is death.


Spain, Morocco, Jerusalem
Well if the majority of Iran's Citizens support the death penalty i see nothing wrong.
Although i abhor the death penalty, If they all agree with this form of capital punishment...


Agnostic Pantheist
Well if the majority of Iran's Citizens support the death penalty i see nothing wrong.
Although i abhor the death penalty, If they all agree with this form of capital punishment...
I think its the bigger picture which counts.
for example the fact that adultery is a crime punishable by death, the annual number of executions, the executions we do not know about, what were the crimes of the executed, the total number of executions as the article says place Iran only after China in number of citizens being executed on yearly basis.


hey it e normal laws
it s god laws that all muslims chould be ruls with it
we accept god laws and we dont need to justifie
you have youre countrys and we have ours
I think its the bigger picture which counts.
for example the fact that adultery is a crime punishable by death, the annual number of executions, the executions we do not know about, what were the crimes of the executed, the total number of executions as the article says place Iran only after China in number of citizens being executed on yearly basis.

I agree, and they even punish by death based on religion. Youcef Nadarkhani is scheduled to be executed at any time (probably tomorrow) for his beliefs in Christ and for trying to spread that word. Is that really necessary? Is this truly the work of what they consider "the religion of peace"? I remember someone was going to burn a Koran recently, and that brought all sorts of uprising and violence. But a guy is sentenced to death for his beliefs and we hear nothing from the media.

Regardless, I'll be praying for this guy.

This is one source, but there are many different sources if you search Youcef Nadarkhani.



Active Member

Is it barbarism because of the method? Or is it barbarism because of the method, and it happened in a Muslim dominated country?


Active Member
I completely agree, and this also deprives the deterrence value.

And besides that, Lethal Injection is one of the most inhumane ways to kill people, and is administered mostly by people who the inventor calls "complete idiots" in his lament about how badly the condemned suffer. Perhaps it suits some of the rightfully condemned though.

Actually lethal injection of all methods of death is actually the most peaceful one


Rolling Marble

Is it barbarism because of the method? Or is it barbarism because of the method, and it happened in a Muslim dominated country?
Because of the method and because it's public.
I think hanging may be less painful than electric chair, but because of the use of electricity, the electric chair method gives a more "modern" impression.
I'm against death penalty, for me death penalty itself is barbaric.


Well-Known Member
Because of the method and because it's public.
I think hanging may be less painful than electric chair, but because of the use of electricity, the electric chair method gives a more "modern" impression.
I'm against death penalty, for me death penalty itself is barbaric.

Hanging is supposed to be fairly painless when it is done well, although it is pretty barbaric if the drop height is not correctly estimated.

There is a fine art to it, the drop height is designed so that when the neck breaks the spinal chord gets severed, so that the remainder of the death is painless, unfortunately to do this you have to calculate the drop height correctly, if you get the drop height too short then the spinal column may not sever, in which case the person hanging will struggle as they are slowly asphyxiated, if you get the drop height too high you could tear the head of from the shoulders.