All it takes is a little reading and simple research:
From the article in the OP:
Now, with a little research, a link found on the page of that very article:
It really becomes quite obvious how she got the infections that killed her. Being let to stay in a condition where her cervix was open to infection for upwards of 3 days because the doctors refused to help her was pretty much it. Pretty much...the doctors killed her.
Thank you for looking that up for me...
"However, with the neck of the womb open, there is an opportunity for bugs such as E.coli to travel from the vagina into the womb before multiplying and infecting the inside wall of the uterus.
Infection can then spread to the womans bloodstream, leading to shock and the onset of DIC, which occurs when the normal functioning of blood cells is progressively impaired, leading to multi-organ failure."
Right "there is an
opportunity" and "Infection
can then spread", so not terminating the pregnangy when it became clear it would end in a miscarriage anymay seems stupid when taking into account the risk to the mother.
You will get no argument from me there.
BUT, she was in a hospital surrounded by people who should know what they were dealing with. I can't sit here, read an article and conclude they knew she had a fatal infection and decided to ignore that. Or that they were negligent and simply didn't perform the tests they should have to check if the mothers life was not in danger.
Maybe the hospital staff were negligent and didn't perform their job properly, or maybe they were religious fanatics who decided to do nothing even though they knew that would kill her simply because they didn't want to terminate a pregnancy. MAYBE!
I cannot draw that conclusion from the data at hand.
There is investigations going on that will hopefully find out what happened.