Ok, I will play by your rules,
One of the claims that I have made is that the Boltzmann brain paradox (BB Paradox) refutes any “
chance did it” hypothesis, as an explanation of the FT of the universe. (Including the multiverse hypothesis and anthropic principle refutations)
This is the FT argument
- The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design.
- It is not due to physical necessity
- it is not due to chance.
- Therefore, it is due to design.
my claim is that the BB paradox refutes premise 3 , I am not claiming that the BB paradox alone shows that the conclusion is true, my intent is to show that premise 3 is true. (more arguments are needed to show that the other premises are ture)
Do you agree with me on that particular claim yes or no?
if not I will provide my justification.
Definitions, just for the sake of this post and related replies
Observer: in this context an observer is someone who observe himself living in a FT universe ether because he really lives in a FT universe, or because he is having a hallucination or a dream of him living in a FT universe
My justification:
The most probable type of observer is a Boltzmann Brain, in other words for every “normal observer” there would be trillions upon trillions of Boltzmann Brains that “
imagine” themselves living in a FT universe, with planets, stars, people etc. when in reality they are just a brain floating in an nearly empty “none FT universe”
In other words there are much, much, much, more simple observers (BB) that live in a simple universe and that they are imagining themselves being complex creatures living in in a complex FT universe. than real complex observers (people) living in a real FT universe
As an analogy, if you observe yourself winning an improbable lottery 100 times in a row, chances say that you rare just dreaming or hallucinating, this hypothesis will always be more likelly to be true than.
The math
That BB are statistically more likelly than whole FT universes is not controvertial, while the exact maths are obviously impossible to determine with 100% accurecy, many estimates have been done, showing that BB are much, much, much more likelly that FT universes,
The probability of a FT universe: according to Roger Penrose
this is a number with 1123 ceros after the decimal point
the probability of a BB
this is a number with 500 ceros.
so while both numbers are very, very very small, the first is much much more smaller, for every FT universe we would have more than 10^600
BB ... so under that basis I am supporting my clam tha BB are more likely than FT universes.
The implicatios:
well there are 2 implications:
1 that you are a BB is a Reductio ad absurdum which means that we most reject any hypothesis that leads to that conclusion which means that you should reject chance
2 that you are a BB is demosntrably a better hypotheis than chance, so in any case, chance is discarted as the best explanatin, because there is alteast one that is better than chance. which means that premise 3 in the argument is correct.
Do you agree in that the BB paradox refutes any chance hypotheiss? if not why not, please select your specific point of disagreement and explain why you disagree.
If you agree, then please let me know and I will provide justification for the other premises.