No. The diversion is yours.
Sigh! No. I have not used the diversionary tactics you employ.
I said it is believers in science who believe there is a goal toward faster, smarter, and stronger individuals.
What believers in science say this? No one on here supporting science is a believer as the term is implied and none have claimed that there is a preconceived goal or target.
Show us. But you won't. You know why. You can't. The claims aren't there.
It's been a four page diversion as believers don't want to admit they believe in such progress.
Believers in pseudoscience always say things like this when their pseudoscience is shown to be what it is.
The irony is they believe in linear human progress though which also doesn't exist because it's always been two steps forward and one to twelve steps back.
Nonsense that you won't support.
"Evolution" is not an improvement on Darwin who was essentially correct anyway.
Darwin formulated a theory of evolution. Did you not know that? Wasn't it taught to you in Greek? Now Darwin is correct? Which way are you going to go next?
Darwin was wrong about everything and Evolution is just mostly wrong.
Now he is wrong again.
A claim you have not ever demonstrated. Refuse to even attempt to demonstrate. Believers in pseudoscience grasp at any straw when they are drowning in the deep lake of confusion.
Indeed, I believe the human race is currently on a 4000 year long detour caused by superstition and about to be righted by experimental science.
I don't believe it or accept it. Don't have to. There is no evidence for this. Sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Believers in pseudoscience say a lot of things they can't support.
All individuals are equally fit so "fitness" is irrelevant to life on an individual and a "species" basis.
That's exactly what a believer in pseudoscience would say. I wish that believers would support their claims.
It has almost nothing to do with survival or change in species.
Absolutely. A believer in pseudoscience with no expertise biology would say something like that.
Even if it were fundamental, which it is not, it wouldn't matter because it is undefined and unpredictable.
That is an unsupported and unsustainable claim. Genes that are under selection have been identified. You might know that if you studied even a little bit.
To measure "fitness" it would be necessary to understand consciousness
and to measure each parameter of each animals abilities.
And then you would STILL need to know how such abilities are needed in their changing environment.
And you are convinced that even though, this can be done, it can't be done for no reason other than you don't want to admit it or your entire pseudoscience position of ancient people, ancient science, ancient reality, Darwin was wrong, falls apart.
Darwin put the cart before the horse and used an obvious circular argument because he defined "fitness" only after the fact.
He did not. He based his definition on the evidence. Really, you should read his book. You appear to literally know nothing and are just making wild claims.
If it survives it's fit and its offspring will share its characteristics resulting in ever increasing fitness as the weak and stupid fall by the wayside.
That is totally absurd and has nothing to do with fitness or evolution. You are grasping wildly for straws.
All this was imagined without ever testing or considering any individuals or finding out how and what they were thinking about.
Ridiculous, absurd and wrong. I imagine you expect scientists to ask squirrels what they are thinking and then come up with a theory of evolution based on the squirrel thoughts of trees and acorns. You've cracked the case.
These are all simple facts and simple truths
They are neither facts nor truths. You are proposing a pseudoscience based on what you believe with your admitted lack knowledge of biology, science, theory and whole laundry list of related topics and disciplines.
so suggesting I'm wrong because I'm not an expert is irrelevant.
I didn't suggest you were wrong, because you are not an expert. I said clearly that you preach erroneous information and pseudoscience as if you were more knowledgeable than experts. Get it right and stop making straw men out of all that straw you are grasping.
The king has no clothes and instead of covering up he keeps taking bows.
You have no clothes on by the way. It has been mentioned. Don't strain your back, you have nothing to bow about.