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Irony of the evolutionary belief

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Life expectancy in every species exceeds sexual maturity. Perhaps this should be clarified by adding that this hardly applies to tiny things or to any species that reproduces in extremely large numbers. I mean it to apply to major species and to individuals that survive their first year.

Obviously individuals must reach maturity or stage required to reproduce to have their genes passed on.
Long life for humans isn't under selection of the environment, since the increased length of life exceeds the reproductive window.

You asked the question.


Well-Known Member
Humans, as a species, appear to have a high average fitness supported by our ability to overcome fitness barriers of the environment.


Language is what believers use on the internet to chide creationists about how dumb they are and how science has already provided every answer.

Humans are not smarter than other animals and probably wouldn't be even if there were such a thing as "intelligence". We have complex language that allows every individual (INCLUDING EVERY CREATIONIST) to stand on the shoulders of giants.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That is correct. They answer no questions. They lecture and won't even answer questions if they are phrased in their own terms. Instead of answering questions they tell me how I have to ask them.
I agree. In essence it is the heart that looks to God. Psalm 4:7 "You have filled my heart with greater rejoicing than those who have an abundant harvest of grain and new wine."

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Very impressive.
I had nothing to do with it other than to be born.
Life is very complex and trying to reduce it to some simple thing like survival of the fittest is almost always impossible.
Except for scientists. They have shown that demonstrating it is not only possible, but done.
I've been exposed to his beliefs since I was small. He was a product of his time and place and I'm very familiar with these products.
A superficial awareness of popular opinion hardly qualifies you to make the claims you do without bothering to provide any support for them.
I DON'T BELIEVE IN LINEAR PROGRESS OR EVOLUTION. I believe all individuals are equally fit and that there is exactly as much deevolution as evolution. I don't believe our species (especially) gets better every day in every way. Remember Canada is now killing young people and a couple years back we endangered an entire generation of children for the sake of hospital staffs and old people. Remember?
I know what you believe. You repeat constantly as a dogma.

The latter is the consequences of a rambling agenda with no veracity or relevance to the discussion.
By saying I don't believe any individual is any more fit than another is the exact same thing as saying I don't believe in fitness. It is a mirage created by bad assumptions. Bad Darwin.
I know. So what. You beliefs are not the default for science or rational conclusion.

You haven't once shown your beliefs have any merit.


Well-Known Member
Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Darwin, race and gender
Race and more.

Thanks. Interesting.

And there are small but robust differences, chemically and anatomically, between the brains of men and women, although nobody has any real idea what the implications might be.

Of course there are differences one is a brain on estrogen and one is a brain on testosterone.

What is wrong with people now days?

So, what possible purposes could such classifications serve? I suggest that although questions about a person's ‘race' are meaningful only in a racist society,

Pure genius. This has become one of the most racist societies in history.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't think your assumption is true. I would bet that most species that have gone extinct had members that were sexually7 mature but the death rate exceeded the birth rate until nothing was left.
Extinction happens when change in the environment exceeds the capacity of selection.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member

Language is what believers use on the internet to chide creationists about how dumb they are and how science has already provided every answer.

Humans are not smarter than other animals and probably wouldn't be even if there were such a thing as "intelligence". We have complex language that allows every individual (INCLUDING EVERY CREATIONIST) to stand on the shoulders of giants.
This is just more of your rambling agenda.

Humans have traits that increase their fitness. Language is one of them. Intelligence is another.

Having the ability to do something doesn't imply the fact that it is done.

Creationists, like you, deny giants know anything.


Well-Known Member
I agree. In essence it is the heart that looks to God. Psalm 4:7 "You have filled my heart with greater rejoicing than those who have an abundant harvest of grain and new wine."

Some things make sense and some do not. I rejoice when anything makes sense any longer because so little is left in the world.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Thanks. Interesting.

Of course there are differences one is a brain on estrogen and one is a brain on testosterone.

What is wrong with people now days?

Pure genius. This has become one of the most racist societies in history.
Certain practices of religion seem to be driving that too. But that isn't the subject of this thread.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Some things make sense and some do not. I rejoice when anything makes sense any longer because so little is left in the world.
And you believe you corner the market on sense and everyone else is wrong.

I just can't figure out why, with this alleged surplus, you can't establish any validity for your claims.

It's an internet forum paradox for sure.


Well-Known Member
A superficial awareness of popular opinion hardly qualifies you to make the claims you do without bothering to provide any support for them.

I am also familiar with popular opinion in early 19th century England.

Everybody is a product of his place and time even if six generations removed from a saner and simpler time.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is tons of evidence. It's pretty firmly established.

I can tell you what science has shown us. I can't make you appreciate science.
Unfortunately you keep making false accusations about me regarding what you call science.
The simple fact is every individual is different. You want to get away from this obvious truism by considering all members of species to be nothing more than a member of the species. You don't want to consider things like consciousness and differences because Darin nor science pays any attention to such things. Darwin considered only humans to be wholly conscious that other species were lesser and less intelligent.

But individuals are different and are unique. You can't predict which will survive so belief in survival of the fittest is a circular thought. Even if it's true, especially if it's true, that the fit survive then it is necessarily true that their offspring are far far more likely to share this fitness than other members of the species. Indeed, if they don't share this characteristic then it might not even be a trait that can be naturally selected.

All of your arguments are illogical and nonsequitur so direct questions are ignored. Nobody can admit that Darwin even had any assumptions much less that they could each and every single one be wrong. And still these assumptions underlie the ToE.

I had never realized the state of disarray that exists in the thinking.
In a way, all you have to do is read about darwinism and the theory of race. In Mr. Darwin's mind he seemed to believe in a master race. I believe and hope he will (yes, will) change his mind.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Some things make sense and some do not. I rejoice when anything makes sense any longer because so little is left in the world.
I'm skipping over some posters because I don't want to call them dumb...so just to let y'know in case I'm not getting into a knock the yuk yuk quackie duck down fight.


Well-Known Member
The latter is the consequences of a rambling agenda with no veracity or relevance to the discussion.

I am a strong proponent of medically assisted suicide. I am not a proponent of killing off the weak and unfit regardless of their age and medical condition. We force taxpayers to fund sexual mutilation of children now so it's hardly like our hands are clean.

What good will come from continuing to murder the unfit and those who can't keep up with the pace of change in this brave new dystopian world?


Well-Known Member
And you believe you corner the market on sense and everyone else is wrong.


But sometimes it is hard to see in believers. Obviously my only belief is everyone makes sense all the time in terms of their premises but it is these premises that are often so nonsensical. It's hard to see sense when you don't accept any of the premises. Just as you don't see any sense in creationist beliefs I often see no sense in the premises of those who believe in science. Of course I might be wrong and maybe there really is such a thing as survival of thew fittest and people are being murdered for reasons that have nothing to do with Darwin.

Mebbe I'm just a little omniscient. I claim only to know the formatting of reality, not everything.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I am a strong proponent of medically assisted suicide. I am not a proponent of killing off the weak and unfit regardless of their age and medical condition. We force taxpayers to fund sexual mutilation of children now so it's hardly like our hands are clean.
And that has nothing to do with the theory of evolution. It is your moralistic views projected onto the theory and seeing what you want to believe is there.

You could do the same thing with hammers.

As to your conspiracy theories, I put no stock in them and am not compelled to believe them.

What good will come from continuing to murder the unfit and those who can't keep up with the pace of change in this brave new dystopian world?
The theory of evolution does not discuss or compel atrocities.

Again, hammers. We should outlaw them because of their inherent ability to get people to use them to kill.