It's so ironic that none of the words you use here even existed in Ancient Language.
I wouldn't expect to know what words make up an imaginary language.
Only the word "observation" existed but this word had a scientific meaning in a scientific language. "Observation" can't exist in believers and the superstitious because they are going to ascribe things to their "Gods" or to unknowable forces. You say "intelligent" but ancient people lacked this abstraction. Indeed they even said they couldn't see reality directly and could only get peeks at it. Their only usage of the word was to describe what happens to individuals as they learned.
I can pretend that you are wrong and don't know all the words make up this imaginary language. In my imagination, you just aren't very literate in it.
There is no more logic or evidence to suggest any highly complex endeavor can be completed through trial and error than there us to believe landing on the moon was trial and error. Highly complex behavior in any species requires theory, not intelligence and not trial and error. The invention of hypothesis and experiment and even the correct understanding of observation are all events, they are never truly processes. We believe it is a process but the reality is every understanding results from an idea and all ideas are events.
There is no logic or evidence that you have ever offered to convince anyone to embrace your theology.
All ideas spring from our models and beliefs so Darwin's ideas are a product of Darwin and his place and time and not of experiment.
You have no experiments and only believe in using the word as lip service without benefit of conducting them or citing any.
We are neither intelligent nor observant. It is shown in one experiment after another that we see what we expect and not what exists.
All the evidence indicates that we are intelligent and observant. You have shown no experiments. You have presented your belief system as fact without evidence. Preached your theology as a reality without benefit of demonstration.
You can believe what you want, but there is no way to have a rational discussion with you when the rest of us don't exist in the world you have created in your head.
Evidence and explanation supporting your claim of Ancient Language. None. None offered.
Evidence and explanation supporting your claim of Ancient Science. None. None offered.
Evidence and explanation supporting your claim of Darwin was wrong. None. None offered.
Evidence and explanation supporting your claim of recent speciation in Homo sapiens. None. None offered.
Evidence and explanation supporting your claim of sudden change in living things. None. None offered.
Evidence and explanation supporting your claim of speciation at or because of bottlenecks. None. None offered.
I could go on and on at your failure to support your position and it would fill this post and others.
There is no reason to maintain a discussion with someone that considers themselves to be the only intelligent, knowledgeable and correct person in the conversation for no reason they can assert, but maintains that position resolutely despite what others ask or demonstrate logically or in fact. You have shown us that you will leave this thread exactly as you entered it with nothing that anyone else posted even mattering to you.
I do see you having moments where it looks like you might have been reached, but that doesn't appear to last and you are back at your proselytizing of your theology.
There is no incentive to a dialogue with a person with such a closed view.