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Is a trans man really a man or a trans woman really a woman?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am not asking this question out of a desire to offend anyone but out of a desire to learn more. I have heard many people say that a trans man is really a man and a trans woman is really a woman but this is something that I do not understand. How is it possible for a trans man to really be a man when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a woman? Also, how is it possible for a trans woman to really be a woman when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a man?


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
So if I decided I no longer identified as fat, and now identified as thin, I would be thin?????


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
From now on I would appreciate it if you think of me as "body type; thin", thank you, I'm going to get a lot more dates. I'll have you know that I am genetically thin, and it is only because of medications I have to take that there is the illusion of me being fat, but that is all in the past, I am thin now.


Premium Member
So if I decided I no longer identified as fat, and now identified as thin, I would be thin?????

From now on I would appreciate it if you think of me as "body type; thin", thank you, I'm going to get a lot more dates. I'll have you know that I am genetically thin, and it is only because of medications I have to take that there is the illusion of me being fat, but that is all in the past, I am thin now.
Just, no.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
A trans man is not a man. That is just fact from a medical standpoint.

However the legal definition would qualify a trans man as a man, so legally a male dinstinction can be used in that respect.

Hermaphrodites are the only ones that can claim either distinction medically and legally if a decision is made to go either sex. I consider it personally as a legitimate ""third sex"


Active Member
Hi Folks...

Surely it is obvious - these are SOCIETAL issues - these are issues surrounding MAN and mans meddling - these are not "natural" issues at all....

If it were - natural - then "trans" people would change their physical gender NATURALLY all by themselves - as their body developed naturally - if they are GENETICALLY SUPPOSED to be a certain gender then that WILL become obvious - and very very VERY rare does nature make such physical mistakes if left alone - usually when such genetic mistakes happen there are external influences affecting the NATURAL gestation which makes PHYSICAL errors happen.......

But - regarding "trans" people who simply later in life "choose to change sex" - this is not "natural" at all - this is mans intervention alone - and it is SOCIETY issue as society in its ignorance meddles and brings up all manner of similar unnatural pracitices then has us all adopt them as "normal" when clearly they are not natural at all..

Indeed - there are a whole range of "sexual deviations" that mankind has bought upon itself and allowed to become "normal" - encouraged and embraced - when really they are not normal not natural and not natures way but MAN and mans way stamping our arrogance on Divine schemes as if we know better than the One who Created us all...Trans people are neither truly male nor female - they are confused - and that is all that can legitimately be said here regarding their physical circumstance...if they are CHOOSING to change sex and there is no physical reason to do so, then this is clearly societies manufactured modern confusion, not my Fathers Will for as said if it WAS natural then such people would change their gender naturally (as frogs do for example) - and the fact that this NEVER happens tells us its not even a natural phenomena at all but something we ourselves "invented" as we meddle and interfere.....To my mind then trans people are truly neither male nor female in the strictest sense - they gave up the claim to one gender and rejected it fully - yet can never become the other gender fully or legitimately despite the medical intervention they are essentially still that which they were born to be and will remain that which the SOUL INTENDED THEM TO BE expressing that ENERGY primarily despite whatever physical appearance they adopt..

Its about ENERGY not "physical form" - your SOUL IS AN ENERGY - and it FREELY CHOSE to express it Self AS the gender you were born into...Unless there are physical circumstances that cause a physical error - if this is just a CHOICE of MORTAL mind - then this is just a SOCIETY FLAW based on societies Self ignorance and not a natural thing at all...People who choose to abandon their gender to adopt the other are actually sabotaging their own Souls intent as when it first took the mortal life here the SOUL chose its gender already -and it is the SOUL that should have authoirty here ALWAYS not the mortal - except of course the world today is full of mortal s who do not know their Soul at all and so as we see, the world has become this delusional confused existance we ifnd today.......


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hey everyone. I am not asking this question out of a desire to offend anyone but out of a desire to learn more. I have heard many people say that a trans man is really a man and a trans woman is really a woman but this is something that I do not understand. How is it possible for a trans man to really be a man when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a woman? Also, how is it possible for a trans woman to really be a woman when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a man?
Definitions are tricky & often arbitrary things. Depending upon premises one assumes (personal, practical, religious, medical, etc), a trans man could be male, female or other. I see no inerrant universal absolutes here. So I prefer the practical approach, ie, how does the person function in society? I see trans men as men....each with a personal history which is what it is.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Hey everyone. I am not asking this question out of a desire to offend anyone but out of a desire to learn more. I have heard many people say that a trans man is really a man and a trans woman is really a woman but this is something that I do not understand. How is it possible for a trans man to really be a man when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a woman? Also, how is it possible for a trans woman to really be a woman when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a man?
There's more to gender than sex, and there's more to sex than chromosomes.

Have you heard of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS)? Women with CAIS have a Y chromosome, but they're physiologically female. Do you think these women should be reclassified as men?

Why are you assuming that chromosomes should be the determinator of gender?


From now on I would appreciate it if you think of me as "body type; thin", thank you, I'm going to get a lot more dates. I'll have you know that I am genetically thin, and it is only because of medications I have to take that there is the illusion of me being fat, but that is all in the past, I am thin now.
I agree with what you are (sarcastically) implying. However, I see no harm in letting anyone being called whatever they want to be called, so I would support a legislation that somehow considers gender identity.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
From now on I would appreciate it if you think of me as "body type; thin", thank you, I'm going to get a lot more dates. I'll have you know that I am genetically thin, and it is only because of medications I have to take that there is the illusion of me being fat, but that is all in the past, I am thin now.
But do you function as a thin person, eg, not overflowing from your airplane seat onto your neighbor, wearing skinny jeans?


Premium Member
Hey everyone. I am not asking this question out of a desire to offend anyone but out of a desire to learn more. I have heard many people say that a trans man is really a man and a trans woman is really a woman but this is something that I do not understand. How is it possible for a trans man to really be a man when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a woman? Also, how is it possible for a trans woman to really be a woman when this person's chromosomes say that this person is a man?

The simple answer is today they are what they believe in the future only genetics will identify them. Many people of the past have been found dressed and living as the other gender but when dna tested they were labeled as what their DNA said. I don't expect that to change.


yawn <ignore> yawn
To me, the question is, "Who cares?" Issues of gender and orientation are so personal that it I just don't think my opinion about someone else's matters much. I find trans creepy. But it doesn't hurt anybody, so I keep my mouth shut and focus on treating everyone with kindness and respect.
when this person's chromosomes say
I don't think that chromosomes are much of an authority. I don't care what they say. If someone prefers masculine pronouns, I use them. I don't let chromosomes override my personal moral code. Which is to treat the people around me well.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that the brains of trans people are often different from those of their biological sex who are not trans. Is that true?


I am in favor of respecting everyone's identity, but being a male/female is a biological fact. Words don't affect reality.
To me, the question is, "Who cares?" Issues of gender and orientation are so personal that it I just don't think my opinion about someone else's matters much. I find trans creepy. But it doesn't hurt anybody, so I keep my mouth shut and focus on treating everyone with kindness and respect.

I don't think that chromosomes are much of an authority. I don't care what they say. If someone prefers masculine pronouns, I use them. I don't let chromosomes override my personal moral code. Which is to treat the people around me well.

Well, I don't care much about words, as long as they are not used to mislead. I do care about truth though. Being male/female depends on your chromosomes, words can't change that.
Now, if I'm asked to to call a male "woman", or a female "man" to respect their identity, I have no problem with that.