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Is a trans man really a man or a trans woman really a woman?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
There's really not that huge a difference. Body disphoria is, in fact, a disorder where the deficiency is a serious disconnect between the brain and body. To call it 'just a feeling' is really understating the suffering of these people. Like telling a clinically depressed person they're just 'feeling down.'
And no, your race example isn't comparable because there is no hugely different often crossed brain chemistry and hormonal chemistry that differs between races like there is between sexes. We can actually observe the difference and the anxiety from that difference in transgendered individuals that nobody claiming racial or fantastic disphoria have been able to demonstrate.

Other psychological disorders (except other body disphoria including phantom limb) don't warrant surgical alteration (including lobotomy) because they don't actually treat the problem. Sex changes are hugely successful at treating both the dysphoria and underlying serious anxiety disorders.
And its nowhere comparable to a lobotomy which not only didn't treat psychosis but often made things worse for the patient (due to brain damage). There's no evidence of the same for post OP Trans folk. Quite the contrary.

So it's basically hormonal imbalance if I get the gist of it?


Good luck

Let me see if I have this straight: You say I should live my life by the wisdom imparted in a 2000 year old book written by goat herders who thought the sun revolved around a flat earth, but when I point out that it mentions how to treat slaves properly I'm the one who should stop living in the past. That about sum it up?


Active Member
I have the gift of not talking too much to those that don't understand. I let you be you

Exactly- "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." Revelation 22:11


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
In "Star Trek" it was said that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." So is it more important to allow the 99% of women who prefer to use a restroom without men around or allow the 1% of men who think of themselves as women to use whatever restroom they prefer? Should it be based on anatomy or feelings?
If nothing else, it should be based on safety. A trans woman is at real risk of violence in a public men's room.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Drinking water and using the bathroom are completely different. No one unfastens clothing to get a drink but everyone unfastens something to use the bathroom. We have a bathroom for people with penises and a bathroom for people without them. If a per with a penis just feels like using the bathroom for women then all the women are imposed on. Grabbing a drink from a fountain has nothing to do with it.
So rather than trans women, you feel safer sharing a bathroom with this guy?


If you want your bathrooms segregated by whether a person has a penis, he may be in the next stall to you. Good?


yawn <ignore> yawn
Good luck
What I don't understand is why anybody cares about this.

There's nothing in the Bible about it. It directly affects a fraction of one percent of the population.

I don't see why people who are fine with the gender that they were born with feel any need to even have an opinion, much less write legislation!

Take care of your own problems and leave the trans people alone.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Start thinking like you have the opposite gentitals
I can't even enjoy sex because of the genitals I have. Even with a penis, you can learn to fake it because after awhile it just gets boring and then just a turn off because the heats already died.
then youll think you have them when you don't
I don't see that happening. I've actually planned on throwing out all my panties and any swimming bottoms after I've had genital surgery and getting all new ones that won't have an unsightly sag that mine develop after awhile.
I think the laws should only apply to them.
What laws should only apply to whom?
abusing the rights of hemophites is wrong.
I agree, but that is a different topic and you've not stated how they are abused.
Its like one claiming disablity when they're not disabled.
Who is doing this, how so, and in what ways?
There are two marriages. A workdy one and a Christian one. Some abuse the christian one for fun
There is only one marriage. Christians do not get a special right to claim all heterosexual marriages as their own.


Well-Known Member
Maybe someone should take a poll. I think most women would rather share a restroom with someone with a beard and a vagina instead of someone with lipstick and a penis. Maybe I am wrong but I think people with penises should use one restroom and people with vaginas should use a different restroom. It would be interesting to see what people at large think about this. Not just on this forum because there is not enough independent people to give opinions. Isn't that the basic reason for separate restrooms anyway? People who are really men or women and not just feel like they prefer being something they are not.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think most women would rather share a restroom with someone with a beard and a vagina
The beard alone would make women think he's a total creeper, and many women just do not care about the restroom issue. In fact, it's often times not even an issue until some Conservative asswipe makes a deal out of it, which turns a situation no one cared about or where even consciously aware that is was an issue into policy changes, controversy, and life being made hard for someone by someone who claimed to be standing for religious morality.
People who are really men or women and not just feel like they prefer being something they are not.
Good thing I don't "feel like I prefer" being a woman.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Maybe someone should take a poll. I think most women would rather share a restroom with someone with a beard and a vagina instead of someone with lipstick and a penis. Maybe I am wrong but I think people with penises should use one restroom and people with vaginas should use a different restroom. It would be interesting to see what people at large think about this. Not just on this forum because there is not enough independent people to give opinions. Isn't that the basic reason for separate restrooms anyway? People who are really men or women and not just feel like they prefer being something they are not.
People in reality don't really care much about what restroom someone uses. I've used both the men's and the women's rooms. I used the men's room for years before starting testosterone. No one cares or even notices. No one knows what genitals you "really" have in a restroom, even if you're using a urinal or one of those nasty "trough" things some men's rooms have, because there's stand-to-pee devices for female-bodied people.

Also, if you're going to police based on appearance, you're going to end up discriminating against people who aren't transgender, such as women who have a naturally more masculine appearance or men who naturally appear more feminine but still identify as women and men, respectively.


Veteran Member
Maybe someone should take a poll. I think most women would rather share a restroom with someone with a beard and a vagina instead of someone with lipstick and a penis. Maybe I am wrong but I think people with penises should use one restroom and people with vaginas should use a different restroom. It would be interesting to see what people at large think about this. Not just on this forum because there is not enough independent people to give opinions. Isn't that the basic reason for separate restrooms anyway? People who are really men or women and not just feel like they prefer being something they are not.
How many genitals have you ever seen in public restrooms?


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid that in reality many people do care. That's why an independent poll would help clear up what people really do think. As for the total creepers mentioned above, if men dressed like men and women dressed like women maybe there would not be any such creepers. Isn't that really where the problem starts?


Well-Known Member
As for seeing genitals in a restroom, isn't the next logical step to let high school students decide what locker room and showers they prefer to use? How many high school girls want to change clothes and shower in the same room as boys who like to think of themselves as girls but have all the male genitals.