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Is Athiesm a Religion?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Well, sorry, I do not think Athiesm could be seen as a religion. Religion now is really from something supernature or the theory supernature. And it could not been proven in a very long time. Athiesm is simply based on a hypothesis to some degree by scientific methods, really different from religion.

Actually I think you have it backwards if we're to speak in scientific terms. Theism can not be considered a theory because it fails to meet the standards to be recognized as such. At best it's a hypotheis. Atheism is the opposite. We take all the available evidence in the hypothesis of theism which leads to the conclusion there's no evidence for the existence of gods...thus the claims made by the faithful are simply that..."claims"...


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I'm borrowing from Hitchens when I say: Show me a civilization that's run amok and was based on the ideas of Spinoza and the enlightenment, and then you'll have my attention. The various fascist and totalitarian regimes of the last hundred years or so were really just attempts at new dogma, not at all representative of the way I think most atheists think.
I think you could say that about religion though. Most believers don't want to fight and have more land and wealth... that is what those who want those things do. It is human nature, and not a good side, and is found in all groups and races of people


Boy Genius
I think you could say that about religion though. Most believers don't want to fight and have more land and wealth... that is what those who want those things do. It is human nature, and not a good side, and is found in all groups and races of people
I would agree that this is a very valid point. Many of the world's problems are void of any particular belief system. Humans can just be real ******** on both sides. An atheistic society would not be free of such imperfections of human nature.


Active Member
Atheism is not a religion but of some reason, many people seem to believe it is. This is made worse by some extremist atheists that behave like it was a religion. There are crusading fundamentalist atheists out there with just about equal hatred for competing belivef systems as the religious ones. Luckily, most atheists are just fine with religious people as long as mutual respect are given. We have all seen pleanty of evidence of that on this very forum. Indeed that is one of the points of this forum.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I'd say it would have to acknowledge faith to rise to the status of a religion. More of a superstition as is? ;)
Faith or conviction is only evidence of a inner change. It is not faith in something there is no evidence for, lest you are mistaeken. That is what the atheist has


New to this thread and reviewing recent posts.
Comparing title with post contents.
How, exactly, does atheism relate to evolution? Other than the emotional fervor which some adherents of either/each display?
I am starting to believe that Athiesm starting to be like a religion. They already have their own scholars, proselytization, and prophets(hawkins)

Atheism is a religion.

it is used to justify neglectful relationships, the neglect of poverty, the justification of political injustice, and the complete disregard for the negative social effects it has in regards to morality.


Well-Known Member
New to this thread and reviewing recent posts.
Comparing title with post contents.
How, exactly, does atheism relate to evolution?
It doesn't. Some atheists believe in evolution, some don't. Just like some theists believe in evolution and some don't.


pro scapegoat
Atheism is a religion.

it is used to justify neglectful relationships, the neglect of poverty, the justification of political injustice, and the complete disregard for the negative social effects it has in regards to morality.

Soooo.....THAT is what 'religion' means to you huh? Interesting. I tend to agree with your definition, but not it's applicability to atheism.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Actually I think you have it backwards if we're to speak in scientific terms.
Apologies, but I consider the miscommunication of scientific terms (despite almost universal good intentions) a serious problem. Thus I would ask of this:

Theism can not be considered a theory because it fails to meet the standards to be recognized as such.
what are the "standards" we scientists use to determine whether something can be a theory? In particular, how do such standards differ from a claim that something is:

At best it's a hypotheis.

Atheism is the opposite. We take all the available evidence in the hypothesis of theism which leads to the conclusion there's no evidence for the existence of gods
What are your arguments against the argument from cosmology, particle physics, and theoretical physics for a theistic cosmology as presented in e.g.,

Amoroso, R., & Rauscher, E. (2009). The Holographic Anthropic Multiverse: Formalizing the Complex Geometry of Reality (Series on Knots and Everything vol. 43). World Scientific.
Why do other promoters of the anthropic principle favor it in part because they believe it to remove the need to answer questions concerning a theistic cosmology?

...thus the claims made by the faithful are simply that..."claims"...
"And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied ov'r with the pale cast of thought..."
Seriously, the best way to separate the sciences from religion is to refrain from formulating either atheism or religion in terms of scientific theories or frameworks or hypotheses or anything else. It is problematic enough, thanks to modern particle physics, QFT, and the new status granted to cosmology, to separate metaphysics from physics. Add an equating of atheism with hypotheses or theories (and more so theism) and you do but further blur the line between pseudoscientific nonsense, metaphysics & philosophy, and the sciences.
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Well-Known Member
Atheism is a religion.

it is used to justify neglectful relationships, the neglect of poverty, the justification of political injustice, and the complete disregard for the negative social effects it has in regards to morality.
I think your bias is sticking out a little bit there.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It doesn't. Some atheists believe in evolution, some don't. Just like some theists believe in evolution and some don't.

I don't think that is quite true, except by the most reaching of technicalities. Evolution is not even a matter of belief these days.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I am starting to believe that Athiesm starting to be like a religion. They already have their own scholars, proselytization, and prophets(hawkins)

Nope. It is not even a word.

But if you mean Atheism, then it is a religion if not smoking is a smoking habit. Preaching that it is bad for your health does not make such a preacher a smoker.


- viole

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Atheism is a religion.

No it's not. As previously mentioned...there are many fundies...especially many new atheist...but there's a vast majority out there that are moderate when it come to religion. We are extremely diverse. I'm one of the more moderate atheist. I'm outspoken here and pretty much no place else. I only raise concerns in public when religious ideology tries to muscle it's way into public policy.

it is used to justify neglectful relationships

What does this even mean? Can you provide some examples?

the neglect of poverty

No it's not. The majority of atheist I know don't have these views, donate frequently and are involved in many social, justice and advocacy issues

the justification of political injustice

I'm sorry but you're lying.....I and many others are quite outspoken on these issues. I even disagree with other atheist and their political views. In fact we have so many political threads and another threads dealing with the "police state"......So what are you talking about......

and the complete disregard for the negative social effects it has in regards to morality.

What morality are you talking about...Are you talking about christian morals...or morals in general. If you're talking about christian morals then I would hope that christians on a whole would take a look in the mirror because they're not in a position to judge the morals of others given their past and their present....and potentially their future.....
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