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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


Well-Known Member
Like many, you cherry pick verses, even concepts, to suit your particular narrative. Of course Christ said to love all people. By that criteria you seek to imply that there is no behavior that is unacceptable to God. That is patently false. The result of loving people is to share the Gospel, so that they will consider choosing a way of life that is in harmony with God's idea's of the best way to live life. That includes changing sinful behavior. You cannot have it both way's, Claim to be a Christian, and do whatever you want. Christ was perfectly clear, he told the woman who was living with a man outside of marriage, that he forgave her sins because of her faith, but he also said "go and sin no more" after a discussion about her living arrangements. Christ also told the Apostles that they were to share the Gospel, and if it was rejected, to move on. As to your universalist assertion that the same God is involved in all religions, I don't accept it, and neither did Christ, he said " no man comes to the Father except by me "
And you are not cherry picking yourself? To suit your needs and particular narrative, as it pertains to someone being gay. I never said there were things that were unacceptable to God. And who are you to tell me I don't live in harmony with God. I do but just not in the way you would prefer everyone on the planet do this. How dare you tell anyone how to live? Next point, I don't believe in sin. As a follower of eastern faiths, I don't believe in sin at all. There is a balance, and that is all. And lastly, I don't give a damn what you don't accept. You are trying to tell me that I don't know God based on a book written by men. The hubris of all that is astronomical.


Well-Known Member
You are incorrect in your assertions. You want us to believe that your source of these definitions is the only accurate and true source. That is nonsense. The overwhelming majority view of NT Greek scholars and OT Hebrew scholars is that homosexuality is being specifically addressed. You may wish it weren't so, but, as my mother told me many times "if wishes were horses then beggars would ride".
I wonder..how many theologians do you truly know? I know a lot, and am one myself. And your assertion that most agree with your agenda is patently false. Might want to take a long look at ALL theologians' views and not just the apologists.


Well-Known Member
You simply are wrong. It has been the majority view for 2,000 years, and still is.
Ok...Prove it. With accepted statistics from credible sources or peer reviewed articles. As a PhD in theology, and having studied this for over a few decades, I know you are wrong. And btw, no Christian apologist is acceptable.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gay, never had a "gay encounter" and would not.
I have/had gay men friends.
Still have one good friend who is openly gay and that is NONE of my business.
I don't ask ANY of my friends what their sexual orientation is.
No one asks me either.
I've had female friends that were lesbian. So?????
One good friend of mine was openly gay and I found him dead with a bullet through
his brain.
What a sad waste of human life. He must have been emotionally tortured.
Wonder why many straight men absolutely MUST persecute a gay person?
And therein lies the problem. Do to the views of some people of your faith and the resultant persecution of same, many gays are made to feel like they are less than human. And that is what is at issue here.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Do to the views of some people of your faith and the resultant persecution of same, many gays are made to feel like they are less than human. And that is what is at issue here.

Exactly. Homophobia isn't a victimless crime, real people are hurt every day by the propagation of these bigoted views.

It's even worse when this kind of prejudice is condoned and promoted by so-called Christians.


You make it sound as if there's a choice lmao. Are you a homophobe?

Hi AlphaAlex115, :)

I'm not a homophobe. I'm not sure; maybe homosexual desires are real, like murderous desires may be real but it is a choice to follow such desires I believe.

Peace to you and may God Bless you,
Noah ("NewChapter")


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
And therein lies the problem. Do to the views of some people of your faith and the resultant persecution of same, many gays are made to feel like they are less than human. And that is what is at issue here.
Well Jo, I can not change the views of any one other than myself.
I do not treat gay persons like they are "less than human".
Perhaps you and others with your attitude should start a movement in your neighborhood
to help people understand your point of view.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
And therein lies the problem. Do to the views of some people of your faith and the resultant persecution of same, many gays are made to feel like they are less than human. And that is what is at issue here.

I'm not about to engage in homosexual acts to "prove" I'm accepting of the gay life style.
Homosexual acts are disgusting to me. So is having sex with a horse!
That said I would not persecute a gay person but I WOULD persecute a person
screwing an animal.
Does anyone have an issue with me persecuting an animal #ucker?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I'm not a homophobe. I'm not sure; maybe homosexual desires are real, like murderous desires may be real but it is a choice to follow such desires I believe.

The logic of your position seems to be that it is OK for people to be gay providing they remain celibate? Do you think that is a reasonable position to take?


Jesus in me
How so? The commandment is about cheating outside marriage, nothing to do with gays.

I believe the commandment is basically forbidding any sex that is not between a married man and woman. THink of how the word adulterate is used. It means to change beyond the intended condition. So false religion is called adultery by God because it isn't the religion He intended.


The logic of your position seems to be that it is OK for people to be gay providing they remain celibate? Do you think that is a reasonable position to take?

You made an interpretation that is incorrect. :)

I don't have a "position" on anything. I was just trying to answer the OP's question. I'm not really concerned about what consenting adults do sexually in private.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
I'm not about to engage in homosexual acts to "prove" I'm accepting of the gay life style.

And nobody says you have to. Why do you think a person needs to engage in gay sex to prove they accept gay people for who they are? Do you think gay people should engage in straight sex to prove they approve of your straight lifestyle choice?

Homosexual acts are disgusting to me. So is having sex with a horse!
That said I would not persecute a gay person but I WOULD persecute a person
screwing an animal.
Does anyone have an issue with me persecuting an animal #ucker?

Well... that escalated quickly.


Jesus in me
So what do you think the arguments are?

I believe all the arguments about laws not being relevant boils down to the concept that none of the laws are relevant so the one forbidding homosexuality should not be relevant either. However the truth is that not all the laws are irrelevant such as Thou Shalt not murder.


Jesus in me
That's how I think about it.
This is what I mean when I say I make a point in my life to treat people with kindness, because I often try to imagine how it would feel to be called something so terrible and I would never want to cause someone that kind of pain or anxiety. And then I get condemned for vanity or something. :rolleyes:

I believe you have to be cruel to be kind. I once told a Catholic that he need to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior to get out of his troubles but I was berated by his family for interfering in what was only a priests right to say. That person died of a heroin overdose. Sure, I could have been kind and said that his troubles would all go away by themselves or a priest would be able to help but that kindness would not have offered him salvation.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I suggest your exegesis is rubbish.
I think that your uninformed opinion is moot.

Please give me the exact verses from the NT where this is said.
I'm not going to be dragged into some twisted sola scriptura trap. The entirety of Christianity isn't contained in the bible.

A necrophiliac may love his dead wife, so having sex with her cannot be sin.
Hyperbole doesn't help your argument any. Necrophilia is a disorder -- not love.

I just read of a muslim male who married an eight year old girl, she died from injuries on her "wedding night", no doubt he loved her, so he committed no sin.
Same goes here. Pedophilia is a disorder -- not love. Both necrophilia and pedophilia are found in the DSM. Homosexuality is not. That should be your clue.

What kind of "love" are you talking about ?
If you don't know, I can't help you out here. Love is pure, patient, kind, not arrogant, does not insist on its own way, rejoices in the truth. You figure it out.

I suggest you look at the Torah, homosexuality was punishable by death.
I suggest you look at a historical and cultural critique of Torah. Homosexuality was unknown as an orientation.

This is a blatant attempt to corrupt Christianity to fit a corrupt moral narrative
No, it's a blatant attempt to rescue Christianity from a corrupt moral narrative.

Live as you choose, have sex with your Doberman if you love him ( in your own home as unenlightened society still finds this repugnant ), I personally couldnt care less
If ad hominem is your last and best argument, it doesn't say much for your position here.