Are these people actually seriously damaging the work of Christ and turning people away from God?
I believe that when you're down on your knees and you finally cry out: God help me, that God will respond to that first step of yours by taking the other nine steps towards you. Then and only then will you know God is really there. As a reality. And the rest of your existence will be absorbing the complete understanding that faith is safely letting God take over completely. Imo
In any faith or place or time.
But we have to ask first.
I think being ridiculously anti-scientific can turn people away from God.
Referring to Genesis Abdul-Baha states;
"Notwithstanding this, we read in Genesis in the Old Testament that the lifetime of creation is but six thousand years. This has an inner meaning and significance; it is not to be taken literally. For instance it is said in the Old Testament that certain things were created in the first day. The narrative shows that at that time the sun was not yet created. How could we conceive of a day if no sun existed in the heavens; for the day depends upon the light of the sun? Inasmuch as the sun had not been made, how could the first day be realized? Therefore these statements have significances other than literal."
(Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 108)
To me that is where people misunderstand the Bible right at the beginning assuming it to be a literal tale. In this they diverge from science on too many levels.