What are CBDCs and could the Federal Reserve create one?
100% centralized digital money of course mean a huge step towards fascism and mark of the beast. Money is supposed to be decentralized.
"Specifically, he encouraged the Federal Reserve to continue researching the creation of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC.
“My Administration places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC,” Biden said in his executive order. "
Have no idea what 666 means here. Just wanted a short topic.
Mod can change to "mark of the beast" if mod wants to"
Good morning nc735. Some people on this topic have said that there is nothing to worry about, but they really don't know the scriptures. The scriptures say "Therefore be you also ready:for in an hour that you think not the Son of man comes" (Matthew 24:42-44). Since President George H.W. Bush used the term "New World Order" on September 11, 1990, in a speech before a joint session of Congress, it might be worth it to consider what this means. David Rockefeller said in 1994 "All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept a new world order". Henry Kissinger states "The New World Order cannot happen without US participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perception".
The latest globalist buzzword you may have heard is "The Great Reset" which apparently is a new social contract that ties every person to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records and the social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life. Its aim is to restructure the world's economy and geopolitical relationships. Innocuous terms such as 'sustainable development' have taken steps to conceal the true identity strategy and purpose, which is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise.
But as you mentioned, actually, for many years now, world leaders have been calling for an end to the U.S dollar being the currency of trade for the world. In 1944, delegates from 44 Allied nations gathered in New Hampshire at a hotel called Bretton Woods. On the meeting's final day, the delegates codified a code of rules for the world's financial system and invoked the World Bank Group and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). About two years ago, in the fall, in a speech to the IMF Kristalina Georieva called for a "New Bretton Woods Moment."
We have to consider the proposal: Digital money, digital socializing, complete public tracking with complete ostracism of people who don't comply. We know that the mark will mean that no-one will have the power to buy or to sell without it.
"16 And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; 17 and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark,
even the name of the beast or the number of his name." (Revelation 13)
That becomes so much easier to come about with a digital currency. So yes, it is worrying, but it's nothing that hasn't been predicted in the Sacred Scriptures.