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Is changing you're religion wrong?


OH wow cant believe i did that with out realizing it. Wow! There is no way of editing that is there :C


Well-Known Member
I would like to know why you think i mis-punctuated the question.

Look at the question you posted:

"You're" means "you are."

In contrast, "your" means "of or belonging to you."

So clearly you mis-punctuated the question (and misspelled it as well), as I pointed out!

Q. E. D.



Dios - ang - Pastol
Changing Religion is good if your Joining to the right Religion.

God said to join Religion (Psa 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name).

To know if its the true Religion (2Co 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia: ) .

(Rom 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good).

May God Guide your heart. God Bless.


Jehovah our God is One
Look at the question you posted:

"You're" means "you are."

In contrast, "your" means "of or belonging to you."

So clearly you mis-punctuated the question (and misspelled it as well), as I pointed out!

Q. E. D.


what does it matter really?

we all knew what he meant. 'dont sweat the small things' hey


Active Member
I worry cuz over the past year I been jumping from one religion o the next not knowing where ill end up. I question and end up with more. some people say you have to stay on one and have faith. How long must I stay on a religion to understand then concepts that don't make any sense? My brother who is Atheists is trying to sway me off the path of religion (or maybe hes the devil tv preacher tried to say that. I guess what im asking is if its ok to jump from theists agnostic and atheists from day to day.:run:

It isnt about jumping from one religion to another. Its about finding God. Religion is nothing more than an aide to this. You may even decide that there is no religion out there that matches your understanding of God and could therefore choose to go it alone. You have access to the internet which means you have access to a whole range of teachings. Eventually you will find that they all tell you to do good.

The problem which you are finding is that they all have their little differences but I would advise that you dont subscribe to any of them. If someone tells you something that you are supposed to be doing by that religion then search the scriptures that relate to it from as many sources as you can. Dont just read the Quran because you have spoken to a Muslim, dont just read the bible because you have spoken to a Christian etc. God does not live in a Mosque, Church, Synagogue etc he lives in you. When someone tells you that they represent the only 'true religion' dont forget that someone from a different religion said that to you last week so it means nothing.

As for your brother I can only say that he doesnt understand. There are lots of people who dont get what you are trying to do but that shouldnbt stop you from knowing what you are trying to do. Good luck.


I went through the same thing for years. I grew up Protestant Christian, jumped around to different denominations, and then abandoned Christianity outright. I tried many religions, before I found the one that suited me best. One thing you can do, is write down a list of questions that you would like answered, and then study different religions to see what answers they give. Then, answer the questions yourself, based off of your own reason and experience, and see what matches up. There's not one religion that works for everyone. And, if you have to combine religions, then do so. It's called sycretism, and it's done all the time nowadays.


It isnt about jumping from one religion to another. Its about finding God. Religion is nothing more than an aide to this. You may even decide that there is no religion out there that matches your understanding of God and could therefore choose to go it alone. You have access to the internet which means you have access to a whole range of teachings. Eventually you will find that they all tell you to do good.

The problem which you are finding is that they all have their little differences but I would advise that you dont subscribe to any of them. If someone tells you something that you are supposed to be doing by that religion then search the scriptures that relate to it from as many sources as you can. Dont just read the Quran because you have spoken to a Muslim, dont just read the bible because you have spoken to a Christian etc. God does not live in a Mosque, Church, Synagogue etc he lives in you. When someone tells you that they represent the only 'true religion' dont forget that someone from a different religion said that to you last week so it means nothing.

As for your brother I can only say that he doesnt understand. There are lots of people who dont get what you are trying to do but that shouldnbt stop you from knowing what you are trying to do. Good luck.

This reminds me of a video I watched. The theme was basically do you get it? Everyone there asked me if I liked the video and what i thought about it. They sucked people in by the death of a girl. Sure the story was sad however you cant just say ''I get it'' (I believe in god) due to the fact people are sucking you in. LOL this is more of a reflection on what you are saying and I agree with you. Its just they are all right and every one from every religion ''Gets it'' Why don't I?

I went through the same thing for years. I grew up Protestant Christian, jumped around to different denominations, and then abandoned Christianity outright. I tried many religions, before I found the one that suited me best. One thing you can do, is write down a list of questions that you would like answered, and then study different religions to see what answers they give. Then, answer the questions yourself, based off of your own reason and experience, and see what matches up. There's not one religion that works for everyone. And, if you have to combine religions, then do so. It's called sycretism, and it's done all the time nowadays.

I tried that but that all could be due to blind faith. Example why will he (god) not talk to me? The blind faith was that he is.

However it was in daily quintessences. And there where many random things like that.

It matters tremendously to those of us who value being literate!

So sorry if you don't.

As far as I know i cant change it. If you want to debate about it go do it on a different thread.
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St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
No more than changing a light bulb. Even if the light bulb does not need changing there is nothing necessarily wrong with that, but if it blows then there is no point in refusing to change it and living in the dark because you believe that light bulb is an important heirloom from your parents. Same as their religion.
No, it's right. Everyone needs a set of values they can believe in. Some people choose to do it through, oh let's say an imaginary sky fairy, while others choose to eliminate the middleman, get their act together, and just try to be the best person they can be. It's up to you.


ppɐʇɹnɯ;2321039 said:
No, it's right. Everyone needs a set of values they can believe in. Some people choose to do it through, oh let's say an imaginary sky fairy, while others choose to eliminate the middleman, get their act together, and just try to be the best person they can be. It's up to you.

I agree....