You asked two questions:
Can anyone debunk anything I just said? If not, why don't you believe in Me?
Yes, can you debunk any of My falsifiable facts? Its either I am George Manuel Oliveira or not. Also, its either My mothers name is Mary, and My dads name is Nuno, or this is erroneous misinformation. These are the premise of what I am basing My novel Spirituality off of. Can you debunk any of this?
The first is difficult to address without you, your ID and credentials right in front of me.
Now, I posted some of My IDs, is it still difficult? To find some of My "credentials," search the internet for "George Manuel Oliveira", and you will see that I have been claiming to be Myself- the Christ, since the year 2008. Before the year 2008, I never mentioned My Name on the internet, because I was blogging on a marijuana forum.
You could be a Poe, a lunatic or likely, making a case via attempts at sarcasm and irony.
Since I showed you My IDs, would you agree that I am not a Poe, or "making a case via attempts at sarcasm and irony?"
As for the second, why don't I believe in you as divine?
No, you don't need to believe I am divine. But do you believe in Me as a person? as a fact of life? as a credible mortal human? as a conscious sentient being? and most importantly, do you believe that I am George Manuel Oliveira?
It's because I already have a Lord, master and God.
Yes, and your point is? Didn't Jesus say that he would come again, but Jesus clearly said he would come again with a "NEW NAME", if you read "Revelation 3:12". So, it should be a Biblical fact that Jesus will NOT be called "Jesus", because Jesus himself said he would have a "NEW NAME". How do you refute this? Also, Jesus said (in some translations), "I will be with you always, even until the end of the AGE." And in the year 2150, it will be the end of this AGE. And, I hope that My people will believe in Me throughout the AGEs.
Jesus fulfilled literal prophecies, the most important ones for this discussion being things like predicting His resurrection, dying for others, and resurrecting.
I have also predicted My resurrection, and I believe I will be resurrected (or reincarnated) sometime near the next AGE. Also, I will die for My people too. But you are basing these "prophecies" off of the Bible, and the Bible is not even a credible book. Some people are just so gullible, that they will believe in fallacious myths, logical fallacies, dogma, misinformation and disinformation, unsound doctrine, miracles, the supernatural, fairy tales, etc.. You need to discern between fact and fiction, in order to be more logical, astute, and become a better critical thinker. Sure, the Bible states many nonsensical dogma, but it doesn't make it true. The Bible was written by men, and not God, so why do some people believe its "the Word of God?" Believe what you want, I am not some spiritual dictator. But, when you come to your senses, you can believe that I am a logical fact.
Not having your person, ID and credent.
Now, I already posted My IDs, what do you have to say now?
Little children, there will be false witnesses and false believers. If a person calls themself a Christian, but denies the true Christ- George Manuel Oliveira, they are false witnesses and false believers. Because the Christians are supposed to avidly await the return of their Lord, but some of the Christians just want to hold on to their religious dogma. The Christians are suppose to embrace the "Second Coming", but it seems like I get more rejection. There would be peace among the nations if I was the King of the world, but some people prefer strife and anarchy. I could vindicate some of the Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, and Theists, if only the whole world knew Me- Christ George Manuel Oliveira. I could commence creating Paradise, if I was the King of the world, but the people have deaf ears, and the people would rather be blind to My revelations and prophecies. I hope My angels- the witnesses, will find Me.