One of the main differences is Jesus, did not go along with the classic polarizing of reality into opposites, such as law of good and evil. In Western religion this is connected to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. St Paul, in his understanding of Jesus, says it is not yes and no; good and evil, but yes in him. It is about a unity view of reality, instead of a view that divides reality into all the various opposites. This is subtle and esoteric but can be explained with an example in science.
Say we have a magnet, it has north and south poles. We appear to see and then explain the magnetic with its two equal and opposite poles. Yet science has never seen a monopole all by itself. North and South poles do not have a life of their own, since neither has been observed all by itself. They are really both a part of a single principle. However, the human brain has been conditioned to interprets its as two opposites, neither of which actually exist on their own. This polarization affect is a convention, that is sort of an illusion, but looks very convincing to where is appears hard to deny.
Let me give another example, as a home experiment so you can play around with the concept and special affect. Sit near a table and place any object in front of you. Now cross your eyes so you can see two. Now that you can see two, does two now exist? This exercise is playing with your brain, showing how simply crossing yours eyes, can alters the signals going into your brain, so one can appear to be two, one of which is not really there. This illusion affect of the brain was classically called coming from Satan or some type of Eastern Dragon. It is really a type of neural subroutine that cross the mind's eye in a very skilled way so input data appears to see one as two.
Many people see humanity in all its diversity, while others see how humans are the same with many similarities. It depends if your eyes got crossed, so to speak, allowing you to see more than one or one. Law and knowledge of good and evil is subjective; imaginary crossing of the mind's eye. Jesus tries to do away with cross eyed traditions, but it is not as easy as it sounds to change. One has to learn to uncross their eyes, which takes practice.
Picture you live in a world where you were expected to cross your eyes under penalty of law. This becomes your way of life to go along to get along. Eventually, it will be hard to uncross the eyes. That will take will and be tiring, but it will show a different world, where two seem to merge and become one.