I am presenting a factual problem with your interpretation of 'What is the elect?' Considering the fact that there has be and will be Trillions and more people who have lived and will live on Earth. It is factual that the Bible is compiled, edited and redacted without provenance of authorship reflecting an anceint tribal worldview. thousands of years ago No relevance today concerning what we know about human nature. history and science.Therefore, you Reject the teachings of the Holy Scriptures/Bible about the Elect. The Holy Scriptures/Bible is the Christian's Holy Book. Christians Believe and Follow the Teachings of their Holy Book/Bible, otherwise they would Not Be Christian. I Am Christian Gnostic.
Ephesians 4:6
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
I Am Asserting an Omnipotent All Powerful Elohim/God that is Unlimited. The True Elohim/God is Unlimited. It's the Same Universal Elohim/God Manifesting in Different Ways to Different People.
OK, but by far most Christians and you do not accept the religions of Billions of people through the millennia, and the concept of the elect of a limited number of people does not include them
True Religion is about Faith and has nothing to do with Facts and Science.
The problem is when subjective ancient tribal belief do not fit the matter of fact of what we know objectively of history and science.
There are differing standards in Cultures about what it means to be Good or Evil.
True, but that is the heart of the problem among the diverse and conflicting ancient religions there is not a consistent standard of good and evil considering what we know of the nature of humans today.
People know what Pure/Real Evil is in any Culture throughout history. For example, do you agree that the Rape and Murder of a Child is Pure/Real Evil in any Culture throughout history?
People believe they 'know' what Pure/Real evil in any culture. There are some common beliefs, but particularly in the ancient Abrahamic religions do not accept the standards of other religions not the factual history and science of human nature we have knowledge today. In fact disagreements as to what os moral and legal today involving serious conflict today.
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