Bill Gates seems to think so, others scoff.
Bill Gates: Microsoft Founder 'Naive' to Say Cryptocurrency 'Kills People'
Cryptocurrencies are killing people – Bill Gates — RT US News
Bill Gates: Cryptocurrency Is "Super Risky" and Is Killing People
Although by and large the vast majority of people seem to be using cryptocurrency for completely legitimate purposes there are some who will use it for illegal and unhealthy purposes directly or indirectly causing death and destruction in their own or other peoples lives, should it be banned or heavily regulated? Should those with certain mental illnesses be banned from using cryptocurrency?
Your thoughts?
Bill Gates: Microsoft Founder 'Naive' to Say Cryptocurrency 'Kills People'
Cryptocurrencies are killing people – Bill Gates — RT US News
Bill Gates: Cryptocurrency Is "Super Risky" and Is Killing People
Although by and large the vast majority of people seem to be using cryptocurrency for completely legitimate purposes there are some who will use it for illegal and unhealthy purposes directly or indirectly causing death and destruction in their own or other peoples lives, should it be banned or heavily regulated? Should those with certain mental illnesses be banned from using cryptocurrency?
Your thoughts?