We have two centers of consciousness, the inner self; inner man and the ego; conscious mind. The inner self is the natural center of consciousness and connected to our human DNA. All animals have an inner self that defines the consciousness and instincts of each species. The ego, which came much later, and only appears in humans, is more connected to cultural learning. The ego is groomed by its environment and can make choices apart from the inner self and instinct. The inner self is connected to natural instinct and collective human propensities and allows even a baby to get food by crying and the mother to sense this need. The ego is more connected to cultural learning such as using a brand name manmade baby formula.
Enlightenment is where the ego questions what it knows, based on its external learning. It also learns to look at the internal data, such as dreams, habits, motivations, compulsion, fears, and learn hook up with the natural wisdom of the inner self. In Christianity this process is symbolized by the old self; ego, dying and the new self or inner self becoming conscious and more central to your perception and behavior. Buddha who was originally very wealthy and a part of royalty, understood this cultural role was based on the ego, so he moved away in his mind, to find that which is innate; inner self. The promise of the Spirit in Christianity is about an inner voice that can guide one to truth. Nobody has to teach you this truth since it comes from within; processed via the inner self. Since the inner self defines us as species and also defines
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