Peace to all,
To logic of intelligence is in the Divine Spirit Will. The Divine Spirit Will is the "RI" real information that never fails and provides the being more abundant life for conditions on earth and eternal life in Heaven. The "AI" artificial intelligence of creation provides choice and freedom for the being to choose the"RI" of the eternal Divine, some call the "Holy" Spirit Will of the creator of infalliblity from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being or the "AI", the artificial intelligence of the created failed spirit and flesh.
To me in logic, it takes more than One Person to get The Mind, the intelligence of the Creator to Earth and beyond.
To me in logic, the mind of God is the Will of The Father and is conceived in the Person of Jesus though the Immaculate Conception in the Virgin Birth of the Christ, Virgin Birth because the blood and water birth creates the soul and the soul of the Person of Jesus already existing, as The Word, The Holy Spirit Person existing before creation was ever created was even created in the being of the Body of The Christ from Heaven. The Blood and water birth of The Christ on earth is from the Cross where the blood and water flowed from the Christ for all mankind, and flows through where it Came as the New Body for all mankind in new birth, reborn into the New Kingdom transfigured into the image of the Creator, God, for The Person of The Father as one in being.
“For from Him, The Person of The Holy Spirit and through Him, The Person of Jesus, and to Him, The Father are all things. To Him, The One God and Trinity, The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit, be glory forever! Amen” Romans 11:36
To me the logic of the intelligence of the creator is what would the creator do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality.
We know to keep open the Church of the Body of The Christ for all mankind.
Peace always,
Stephen Andrew