Evil is evil anywhere, anytime!
If we don't take steps to control it, then we must all suffer the consequences of it.
It doesn't take a belief in God to do so.
As you will probably state, that in the name of religion or God, many atrocities have occurred, of which I will agree with you .
But still, evil creeps in to any society any where any time because it is part of the human element.
The more education of what is good and the monitoring of evil, will go towards insuring that the world can be a better place to live in.
It is a fight continuously.
When we think that things are going good, evil creeps in to dislodge that fact, and the battle begins again.
That's why the Apostle Paul stated: Rom 7:15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
He of all people knew the character of both God and mankind to have understood to make that statement.
Blessings, AJ