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Is Global Warming happening?


Veteran Member
Or is it just a hoax put on by the left-wingers and liberals to try to focus the rights attention elsewhere.

Note: I'm a greenie, I know global warming is happening

If you believe in the negative, could you please back your statements with how its not happening?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The famous climatologist Rush Limbaugh says it's NOT happening and that's good enough for me. Rush never assumes he knows more than he actually knows: The man is humility incarnate.

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
Global Warming is happening, but we aren't causing it and we can't stop it. We will have a global cooling trend in the future too. :) The weather is always getting warmer or cooler in cycles. All we are doing is making the effects of Global Warming worse by depleating the Ozone. But these effects are going to end mostly in skin cancer and sun related problems. It won't cause the earth to get any hotter than it would naturally.


Veteran Member
Radio Frequency X said:
Global Warming is happening, but we aren't causing it and we can't stop it. We will have a global cooling trend in the future too. :) The weather is always getting warmer or cooler in cycles. All we are doing is making the effects of Global Warming worse by depleating the Ozone. But these effects are going to end mostly in skin cancer and sun related problems. It won't cause the earth to get any hotter than it would naturally.

So our massive increase in size with 300 million people alone living in the USA most of them driving trucks and SUV's aren't doing anything at all to the environment? How's that?

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
beckysoup61 said:
So our massive increase in size with 300 million people alone living in the USA most of them driving trucks and SUV's aren't doing anything at all to the environment? How's that?

I didn't say that. I said that it isn't causing global warming. I'm as much of an environmentalist as anyone. Protecting the environment is up there with National Defense, roads, bridges, and schools as far as I'm concerned. However, poluting our water, our soil, and our air is not causing the earth to get warmer. All it is doing to poisoning our lungs and our food. We're cutting down too many trees which is making it harder for the earth to clean our air. We've farmed too many oysters, which is making it hard to clean our oceans and bays. We've released too many gases which has depleted our protection from several of the sun's rays. But we've done nothing to make the planet hotter. There is a natural cycle of warming and cooling that has been taking place for billions of years. We have nothing to do with that. There is simply no scientific evidance that we causing global warming. Does global warming exist? Yes. Are people screwing up the earth? Yes. Should we all be environmentalists? Yes. But are we causing global warming? No.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
So our massive increase in size with 300 million people alone living in the USA most of them driving trucks and SUV's aren't doing anything at all to the environment? How's that?

That's not what he said.

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
Sunstone said:
The famous climatologist Rush Limbaugh says it's NOT happening and that's good enough for me. Rush never assumes he knows more than he actually knows: The man is humility incarnate.

Rush hasn't said that there is no global warming. He has said that human's aren't causing it. There is a difference. We can drive our SUVs by the millions for ten thousand years and we won't cause as much pollution as a single volcanic explosion. Rush just doesn't like these silly pseudo-scientific nonsense about us somehow causing the earth to get hotter. I think Rush understands the importance of clean water, clean land, and clean air. I don't understand how anyone could actually be excited about toxic water, land, or air (except for businesses that don't mind harming folks just to make a buck).


Veteran Member
nutshell said:
That's not what he said.

I know that, what I got from it was that our size increase and our driving non-ecofriendly cars has nothing to do with global warming. Am I correct? Or should I jsut bow out now and leave 'real scientists' to do their work?


The cake is a lie
Radio Frequency X said:
We can drive our SUVs by the millions for ten thousand years and we won't cause as much pollution as a single volcanic explosion.
Really now? From what I've found, volcanic eruptions emit 145 to 255 tons of CO2 a year. While cars in the US alone emit 314 tons of C02 a year.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There have been tens of thousands of peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals about global warming. I've heard that not a single one discounts man's contribution to global warming.

The real mystery would be: how can you increase the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and not trap heat? The physics is straightforeward and well understood. You can demonstrate it in any high school chemistry lab.

How is the known increase in atmospheric CO2 not trapping heat? It flies in the face of physics!

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
For a Great Discussion on Global Warming (including the effects of C02)

While there is scientific reasonings for the position that humans are causing global warming, there is no scientific proof. Anyone who thinks that this is a black and white issue, scientifically, simply hasn't done their research.

Argument in Congress

It is also important to recognize the limited effects of CO2 relative to other greenhouse gases (water and methane have a much greater effect than carbon monoxide). The single largest determining factor of the temperature on earth is the Sun. Scientists aren't even sure (or agreed on) if greenhouse gasses can contribute noticeable effects relative to the sun.


Veteran Member
Radio Frequency X said:
For a Great Discussion on Global Warming (including the effects of C02)

While there is scientific reasonings for the position that humans are causing global warming, there is no scientific proof. Anyone who thinks that this is a black and white issue, scientifically, simply hasn't done their research.

Argument in Congress

It is also important to recognize the limited effects of CO2 relative to other greenhouse gases (water and methane have a much greater effect than carbon monoxide). The single largest determining factor of the temperature on earth is the Sun. Scientists aren't even sure (or agreed on) if greenhouse gasses can contribute noticeable effects relative to the sun.

Which scientists? Who are they being paid from? What is their biases?

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
beckysoup61 said:
Which scientists? Who are they being paid from? What is their biases?

I was talking about all scientists (the ones paid by leftist-ecogroups - the ones paid by corporate interests - the ones paid by the government - and independent scientists). There isn't any agreement. However, given what we do know and agree upon, it seems to make a great deal of sense that we are not causing global warming. However, I think this issue is pointless. The fact is that we don't know what effect, if any, we have on the earth's warming and cooling trends. But here is something we do know, that toxic air, soil, and water is bad for our health. Clean air, soil, and water are good for our health. Thus, we should all be doing what we can to move toward clean air, soil, and water.


Virus of the Mind
Radio Frequency X said:
While there is scientific reasonings for the position that humans are causing global warming, there is no scientific proof.

Ok , to state what should be obvious , " scientific proof " requires fact . And the fact is , we have not been keeping records long enough to know much about natural global warnings . Oh , we can looks at signs and make " educated guesses ", but that is about it .

But I think that it is fairly save to say that we do know that global warning is happening . And that we know that pollution adds to it . Other then that , I really can't say .

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
kreeden said:
Ok , to state what should be obvious , " scientific proof " requires fact . And the fact is , we have not been keeping records long enough to know much about natural global warnings . Oh , we can looks at signs and make " educated guesses ", but that is about it .

But I think that it is fairly save to say that we do know that global warning is happening . And that we know that pollution adds to it . Other then that , I really can't say .

But the question is, does pollution add to it enough to make a noticeable difference? I don't think that it does - I think the lack of evidence is evidence for my position, though, this is obviously not a proof in any sense of the world.

But as long as we can all agree that pollution is bad for humans, then that's enough for me.


Veteran Member
Radio Frequency X said:
But the question is, does pollution add to it enough to make a noticeable difference? .

Apparetly you've never been to Salt Lake City when the smog hits the valley. It's brown, disgusting and thick. :cover:

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
beckysoup61 said:
Apparetly you've never been to Salt Lake City when the smog hits the valley. It's brown, disgusting and thick. :cover:

A noticable difference in the global temperature is what I meant. :)


Well-Known Member
Global warming is occuring @ a dangerous rate. All major industrialized nations have made pledges to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, yet mostly failed to deliver. This does not bode well for the ecosystem of the planet or the future generations that have to live on it.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
I know that, what I got from it was that our size increase and our driving non-ecofriendly cars has nothing to do with global warming. Am I correct? Or should I jsut bow out now and leave 'real scientists' to do their work?

You didn't say global warming in your last post, you said environment. I think Radio X admits humans are trashing the environment, but he believes global warming is something else.

I never said you should "just bow out now and leave 'real scientists' to do their work."


Virus of the Mind
Radio Frequency X said:
But the question is, does pollution add to it enough to make a noticeable difference? I don't think that it does - I think the lack of evidence is evidence for my position, though, this is obviously not a proof in any sense of the world.

But as long as we can all agree that pollution is bad for humans, then that's enough for me.

Sorry , can't answer your question . :) But the lack of evidence is just that , a lack of evidence . It does not support one side or the other .

I do agree with your last statement though . :)