I'm with Becky on this one, I know global warming is happening, I see it everyday.
I also understand that the earth heats up and cools down as it has done for millions of years, but to use that as an excuse to try and brush off the reality of global warming is just stupididty in the highest degree.
We cannot deny that it is happening, however we can and some are very ignorant and selfish when it comes to accepting that we are responsible for it and that WE have to change our ways.
I cannot fathom how anybody can be so blind to the blatantly obvious, but like I said, despite being 'the most intelligent' animals, we are stupid, naive, selfish and blind.
Agent Smith had it right in the matrix, we are parasites, a disease. Feeding on our suroundings and bleeding it dry and moving on.
We will destroy ourselves.
Wow we really are intelligent arn't we?