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Is Global Warming happening?


Deviled Hen
BUDDY said:
p.s. - I should add that not only is man not the cause, but he can also do nothing to stop it. The earth is going to get warmer whether we want it too or not. It is also going to get cooler whether we want it too or not. Additionally, psuedi-scientists will be coming up with ridiculous theories concerning global warming and global cooling whther we want them too or not.
Ah yes, all that CO2 we add to the usual normal earthly sources couldn't possibly be having any effect.

Methinks it's you who've been reading too much pseudo science.

The weight of the scientific community is not on your side on this one, Buddy.

I've been watching this one since the original work on CO2 levels was being published in the 70s and we were discussing it in a Physics seminar.

The difference was, in the 70s, while even the early research made it glaringly obvious that the rise in levels were due to humanity's influence (gee, funny how it goes hand in hand with the Industrial Revolution :rolleyes:), and that it was very *unusual*, no one then would've predicted such an acceleration in CO2 levels in a few short decades thereafter, or the obvious melting of ice that's been around for thousands upon thousands of years, or the receding permafrost, or other effects we've observed.

35 years later, there's no debate on whether humans have a hand in this greenhouse gas rise, but apparently politicos think they know better.

Well, I don't look to a physicist for lessons on politics, nor do I think it wise to look to politicos for lessons in science.

But hey, anyone who wants to imitate an ostrich, it's a free country. Knock yourself out.


Deviled Hen
Buttons* said:
global warming exists... so does the greenhouse effect, so does solar energy.... :p
Um hm! Just like evolution happens.

The difference is, people who reject evolution on religious grounds do not pose a threat to the survival of the human race by their refusal to get with the times.

I cannot say the same for those who reject scientific knowledge concerning greenhouse gases on account of their own personal political preference.


Well-Known Member
Kcnorwood said:
Um.. if you say so.....:sarcastic
its not me saying so ,it is the bible
"And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite Daniel 2;44.................... notice it says in the days of those kings ,so even while these human rulers are ruling ,God will and has set up a kingdom , and it will never be brought to ruin, and this heavenly kingdom of God will crush all of the rulerships of man , only this heavenly goverment of God will acheive what man cannot acheive.



Working-Class W*nch.
Global warming is happening, and humans, I believe, are a contributor. The weather here in Southern Ontario has gotten strange--where once our lakes froze over, sometimes in autumn, not even the slightest bit of ice could be found on them this year--not until last week. I assure you, something is happening.


Charismatic Enigma
BUDDY said:
No, we are not parasites, and the MAtrix was what is called science fiction. Just like the science that "proves" man is a major contributor. Why take such drastic measure the "change our ways" when our ways have nothing to do with, nor any effect on, global climate change? I do not feel guilty. If there is something that we can do that is more efficient, economical and protective, I am all for it, but to apologize for my existence because some environmentalist, hippy scientist tells me to....well, THAT is stupid, naive, selfish and blind.

Sorry I'll try not to touch raw nerves in future.
How can you not compare us to parasites? Logicaly, really how can you?
We consume until everything is gone and then we will consume each other just like the animals we are.
I believe that we will become cavemen again eventually as we will destroy everything and will have no choice but to regress.
Don't try to fight it or deny it, it's just what we do. We are only human after all.
Global warming is our fault.
Do other animals chop down trees just for the purpose of wasting them? We do, how much paper do you throw away each year?
Do animal drive about in machines that pollute the enviroment because of lack of trees due to them chopping them down? We do, you might want to check how much CO2 you country produces and think about it for at least a second before coming back with a reply!

Have fun with this link people. You, like me just might be shocked at your very own carbon footprint!


Veteran Member
darkpenguin said:
How can you not compare us to parasites? Logicaly, really how can you? We consume until everything is gone and then we will consume each other just like the animals we are.
Penguin man, biologically we are not parasites. Further, many human cultures live within the bounds of what nature provides. There are roughly 300 million indigenous people on the planet who live a life that they can sustain alredy. There is good argument that sustainable abundance is possible in even the industrialised world.

darkpenguin said:
I believe that we will become cavemen again eventually as we will destroy everything and will have no choice but to regress.
Don't try to fight it or deny it, it's just what we do. We are only human after all.
Why do you believe this?


Student Nurse
I've quite enjoyed the warm weather we've had here on the east coast this winter. Unfortunately the cold weather has finally arrived. How much longer do I have to wait before we can start growing palm trees and mangos in Delaware? I hate winter. Have you guys seen the South Park episode on the hybrid Toyota Pious?


I've been on the West Coast. I didn't enjoy it (except for the snow. Snow is fun. And the ice forming....).

Personally, I want things to be all better soon. Because I don't like these big changes. A tiny change in an experiment can cause a huge problem. Imagine a big change. Like forgetting acids and bases shouldn't mix.

I don't think that metaphor was a good one. I need to improve my metaphors. Yeah.


Charismatic Enigma
Jaiket said:
Why do you believe this?

Well after we destroy the world (which will enevitably happen) we will have no choice but to live that life again.
In all honesty I do hope it's not us that destroys the world but hey that would be asking for too much now wouldn't it?

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
BUDDY said:
Yes, global warming is happening, but man is not the cause. Science cannot prove that man is the cause. I suggest everyone here read Michael Crichton's new book State of Fear. The science is being perverted by the scientists for profit. He did three years of research for the book and lays out exactly what is happening. Most people just become slaves to these theories because they don't want to do the work and research to discover for themselves that our planet goes through climate changes naturally.

Post proof or retract.

Hint: Pseudoscience from Michael Chrichton does not constitute proof.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
darkpenguin said:
How can you not compare us to parasites? Logicaly, really how can you?
Maybe he has a dictionary and he knows what the actual definition is.
You were right, too. I was shocked at my very own carbon footprint...I was shocked it was over 4,000kg a year less than the average UK resident. What are you lot doing over there?

BUDDY said:
Additionally, psuedi-scientists will be coming up with ridiculous theories concerning global warming and global cooling whther we want them too or not
You know Buddy, I'd given you credit for more intelligence than to fall into the camp of 'If I Find The Science Unpalatable, It's Bollocks'.I was obviously labouring under a misapprehension in thinking that was solely the province of rabid creationists and drug users with a vested interest in convincing themselves there couldn't possibly be any detrimental effects of their poison of choice because they don't want there to be.
It's sad when otherwise bright people need a bucket of sand to keep their head in.

On another note, our Australian of the Year took his award from the hands of our Prime Minister last night and during his thank you speech declared he'd be harrassing the government continually until they signed the Kyoto Protocol or came up with something better. The look on John Howard's face was priceless...you could almost see his bottom lip quiver.:D

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Booko said:
Ah yes, all that CO2 we add to the usual normal earthly sources couldn't possibly be having any effect.

Methinks it's you who've been reading too much pseudo science.

The weight of the scientific community is not on your side on this one, Buddy.

I've been watching this one since the original work on CO2 levels was being published in the 70s and we were discussing it in a Physics seminar.

The difference was, in the 70s, while even the early research made it glaringly obvious that the rise in levels were due to humanity's influence (gee, funny how it goes hand in hand with the Industrial Revolution :rolleyes:), and that it was very *unusual*, no one then would've predicted such an acceleration in CO2 levels in a few short decades thereafter, or the obvious melting of ice that's been around for thousands upon thousands of years, or the receding permafrost, or other effects we've observed.

35 years later, there's no debate on whether humans have a hand in this greenhouse gas rise, but apparently politicos think they know better.

Well, I don't look to a physicist for lessons on politics, nor do I think it wise to look to politicos for lessons in science.

But hey, anyone who wants to imitate an ostrich, it's a free country. Knock yourself out.

What about imitating a peacock? :p


Well-Known Member
It is a fact that World Industrialised societies wreak havoc with mind and evironment. Of course global-warming is a fact: how we deal with it affects our future as a race and as citizens of this universe. A none-too-small deal, really.


Veteran Member
Quoth The Raven said:
I was shocked it was over 4,000kg a year less than the average UK resident. What are you lot doing over there?
With our blood cleansed of criminal heritage, and conscience free of Neighbours and Home and Away good grace has allowed us to have sex with the lights on.

Quoth The Raven said:
On another note, our Australian of the Year took his award from the hands of our Prime Minister last night and during his thank you speech declared he'd be harrassing the government continually until they signed the Kyoto Protocol or came up with something better. The look on John Howard's face was priceless...you could almost see his bottom lip quiver.:D
It's hard to hold a laugh in...:p

Oh, meow! :D

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Jaiket said:
With our blood cleansed of criminal heritage, and conscience free of Neighbours and Home and Away good grace has allowed us to have sex with the lights on.
But apparently not to bathe on a regular basis. All that CO2 isn't being generated by heating water.:p


Veteran Member
Quoth The Raven said:
But apparently not to bathe on a regular basis. All that CO2 isn't being generated by heating water.:p
We Scotsmen are real men, we bathe in ice-chilled Bose-Einstein condensed hydrogen.


tri-polar optimist
Our earth is in the absolute perfect position to sustain life as we know it. Any deviation would be catasttrafic. The world gives you ice, water and steam. All three different aspects of the life giving planet earth.


Active Member
One idea I don't hear much is, ok there is a controversy. I don't agree with the assessment that there is that much of a controversy. I also think it is fairly obvious that "big oil" has more money to fund it's skeptics than say some environmental groups (all of them put together). Still I'll allow that there is a controversy.

So what if your side is wrong? If the skeptics are wrong, we lose the 10 years trying to tie down the science and meanwhile lose more glacier ice, cause more flooding, etc.

If the human caused global warming side is wrong, we get a cleaner environment, more renewable resources, less pollution, cars that get 60 miles per gallon or higher, etc.

The thing that is always argued is we "can't afford to do this". I tend to think this is quite a bogus argument. And that as new technologies and proceedures emerge they will improve the economy. Buying and selling carbon credits to pollute could leapfrog societies past petroleum. But if the skeptics are wrong, it could end up to be an extremely expensive proposition. We are also killing parts fo our ecosystem that are priceless. How do we calculate a price for the coral reefs, the rainforests, a forest of virgin wood, etc.??

Note: Toyota that produces more hybrids than any other companies is making money hand over fist while Ford which makes huge SUVs and trucks lost record profits. That tells you something.
