My goddesses and gods are only capable of hating certain things. Strangely, these all seem to coincide with what I hate. What strange luck!
Just kidding! (Wanted to see if anyone would believe I'd say that.) I honestly don't know if divinity is capable of hate. I know that I wouldn't want them to be, or rather, perhaps, if they are capable, to chose to focus their emotions on more worthwhile emotions. A number of the deities I celebrate have the ability to embody righteous anger, but I don't really equate that with hate.
I think we have to be careful about our interpretation of "hate" in different contexts. You seem to be inferring the question of whether God can hate a person because he can hate "evil". In one context, we are saying that God "hates" a particular action--one that is evil. To me this just means that he disagrees with it. To say that God "hates" an individual is a different context. I do not think it makes sense to say that God must hate any one person because he also hates particular actions.