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Is God capible of sin?


Well-Known Member
With some major life changing events in mylife I have taken a deeper look into my "religion" and belifes. I was asked by someone whos belifes are far different from mine if I thought God was cappable of sin. Their comment to me was if God is a loving God he is not capable of sin, of course this person doesnt believe there is a hell either because if God is a loving God why would he do something like that to us.

After great thought and some remembering of some acts in the old testement I have come to think that maybe God is capable of sin. We are told he is a jelous God and while some dont see jealousy as a sin some do see it as part of ones sinful nature. We are told not to kill as deamed by the 10 commandments and yet look at what God did to Sodam and Gahmora, or all the people that missed the ark. God has shown his anger and wrath through out the bible.. are these not weaknesses that we face in our sinful nature? I dont want to hear God is allowed to be that way because he is God. I feel like that is a major cop out for those that cant explain things.

We are created in the image of God. Is it not impossible then that the sinful nature came from him also. Possibly traits from himself that he doesnt particularly like that he wanted us to choose not to have. I dont know the answer but I know how I am feeling about things. I know there are many things in the bible we cant explain but I dont believe we werent ment to try and find it out. I am interested in hearing what others might have to say about this topic. Thanks for reading.

I'd say it's a matter of definition. Sin, in relation to the abrahamic god, is merely anything god doesn't like, at the moment. You've already given examples of this character's hypocrasy. Can this god do something that displeases himself? I daubt it, so he's not capable of sin. This character is, however, unbearably unethical. Sin and ethics are not the same.


New Member
I understand sin to be an error, either a deliberate one, or one of ignorance. If God is the infinite, all knowing, All, then God would be incapable of error, this would be a contradiction.

God's creation, if in the process of evolving, could however be subject to error, and this would explain the biblical authors projecting their human frailty onto their God.


Well-Known Member
Why? You gonna book 'im? Five Hail Marys, five Our Fathers, that's it YHWH, go forth, and sin no more... :D

Nah. Just doesn't compute.


Agnostic Pantheist
god had he existed would be all about sin.
The Christians believe god scored with a Jewish maiden right under her husband's nose. the Jews believed their god has led them in battle throughout the Southern Levant. the Muslims believed the same about god and the Hejaz.
considering the way his creation works. not only is a god capable of sin, but he indulges himself in it on daily basis. all organisms are based on sexual activity. almost all engage in regular sexual activity. and believe you me. not all of it is a pretty sight. species who indulge themselves in multiple mates, species who kill their mate after the orgasm, species who eat their newborns, newborns who eat their mother after hatching. thievery among the different organism, benevolence among them as well. new and remarkable ways to prey on those animals who serve as your source of food, new and remarkable way to repel predators, by stench, poison, colours of war.

so. I believe that a god would be all about living life to the fullest. in order to know all the organism and life forms in his kingdom. he would mate with them all, prey on them all, feed on them all. then will retire to his lair and digest. digest, perhaps for a million years.
and then he would do it all over again.
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Active Member
With some major life changing events in mylife I have taken a deeper look into my "religion" and belifes. I was asked by someone whos belifes are far different from mine if I thought God was cappable of sin. Their comment to me was if God is a loving God he is not capable of sin, of course this person doesnt believe there is a hell either because if God is a loving God why would he do something like that to us.

After great thought and some remembering of some acts in the old testement I have come to think that maybe God is capable of sin. We are told he is a jelous God and while some dont see jealousy as a sin some do see it as part of ones sinful nature. We are told not to kill as deamed by the 10 commandments and yet look at what God did to Sodam and Gahmora, or all the people that missed the ark. God has shown his anger and wrath through out the bible.. are these not weaknesses that we face in our sinful nature? I dont want to hear God is allowed to be that way because he is God. I feel like that is a major cop out for those that cant explain things.

We are created in the image of God. Is it not impossible then that the sinful nature came from him also. Possibly traits from himself that he doesnt particularly like that he wanted us to choose not to have. I dont know the answer but I know how I am feeling about things. I know there are many things in the bible we cant explain but I dont believe we werent ment to try and find it out. I am interested in hearing what others might have to say about this topic. Thanks for reading.

This is really a question of who or what u think God is? Who is your God accountable to and who does he need to approve of him? What political system does he use to rule? Answering these questions may give you a clearer understanding of your own view of God.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
I can vaguely recall and interview with Billy Graham who was questioned on the issue of God and his actions on whether we perceive it to be "evil' or "sinful" if we emulated the same actions ourselves. He reply was in many ways similar to this reply Richard Nixon gave in his interview with David Frost in 1977. He said if God does it that means it is not sinful. But personally I do not buy it.


Temporally Challenged
No. God cannot sin.

Is this a limitation of capability? Is "God" not omnipotent then?

Is this a limitation of faculty? Can "God" not conceive of a way to "sin?" Is "God" not omniscient then?

"Sin" is transgression against "God" as I understand the term to mean. Is there any particular reason why "God" cannot be wrong him/it self?



New Member
for me sin is a part of what god is, god is good and bad thats why there is so much beauty in this world as well as pain and suffering


Truth Seeker
God is perfect, only His creation sins. Basically, opposing God is sin. However, since God isn't in our world, we're all in the same boat, a world where we make up the rules. If we violate those rules, we can call it sin, but without God to mediate, it's just a theological debate.


Truth Seeker
How can God offend himself?

How can a perfect being perform an imperfect act? It is illogical.


Well here is my understanding of God.

God is Omnipresent, Omnibenevolent, Omniscient, Omnipotent creator. It is the beginning and end of all in existence perceived and invisible.

Therefore, like drops in the ocean, you are as much God as I am.

There is no sin for God or you.


Sin is anything God deems to be wrong for humans. The key word being "HUMANS".

God himself does not have to live by his own standards. He can be jealous, wrathful, proud, he can lie, he can decieve, he can violate freewill... he can kill, he can maim... he can perform great acts of cruelty, but that's his prerogative because… well… because he’s a God! If we don’t like it… then tough. If we don’t want to follow his rules because we see them as double standards, then too bad. We don’t get a say. We just have to do what he says if we don’t want to suffer his wrath. Not pretty, but that’s the way it is.
This question is very unusual. Why ask the question, if it is a probability? Why is it important? Can you believe in God, today, is the question. Do you feel, that you cannot, because of everything around you?


Active Member
God offends himself everyday. As we all know, god is everything, god is us, we are god. Therefore, every time an individual sins, god sins.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. - Isaiah 45:7 King James Version (KJV)

God is the non-dual source of the apparent complementary opposites mortal minds conceive of relative to their ego reference point of understanding. God as absolute is not a person, but it is appropriate to use the personification as an expedient to introduce mortals to the greater Cosmic reality beyond conceptual understanding, in which they live, move, and have their being.


New Member
God offends himself everyday. As we all know, god is everything, god is us, we are god. Therefore, every time an individual sins, god sins.


Every time an individual sins, that individual sins.

There is absolutely no darkness in God, don't ya know?