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Is God in charge?


Is God in charge of Tornados, Tsunami, Hurricanes and Floods,
Cancer, Malaria and a myriad of pain giving and death causing diseases?
or is God only in charge of Songbirds, Flowers, Sunsets and Rainbows?
Or is all of the above just Nature at work.


thats nature royol and diseases are living organisms as to their creation------------?


Veteran Member
royol said:
Is God in charge of Tornados, Tsunami, Hurricanes and Floods,
Cancer, Malaria and a myriad of pain giving and death causing diseases?
or is God only in charge of Songbirds, Flowers, Sunsets and Rainbows?
Or is all of the above just Nature at work.

Of course God is in charge. He made a naturual world and with a natural world come order and consequence, because of the fall of man, these things happened. If man would not have fallen, we wouldn't be here.

Those things are just natural consequences of an order God set in place.


Veteran Member
royol said:
Were Tornados happening before the fall of man?

As far as I know, no, but why on earth are you getting in to particulars?

Life was perfect before the fall, no disease, no death, no illness. Yet, there was no birth, no knowledge, no progression.


Veteran Member
royol said:
Forgive me but it has to be said.
How on earth can you believe such drivel?

I could ask you
"How could you believe such drivel as this maginificent earth, this amaizng solar system, and the beautiful species found within it, wasn't created by a supernatural being?"


But wouldn't you say it was all a little to convenient to blame the disease, destruction and pain on mans downfall?
and the way you paint what it was like before the downfall, perhaps we should be grateful the downfall took place.


Veteran Member
royol said:
But wouldn't you say it was all a little to convenient to blame the disease, destruction and pain on mans downfall?
Nope, not in the slightest, how about how you elaborate it. The world was perfect before the fall, that's how God created it.

royol said:
and the way you paint what it was like before the downfall, perhaps we should be grateful the downfall took place.

We should be glad. If it wouldn't have happened, you wouldn't have been born and neither would I. Adam and Eve would not have had children. They wouldn't have been able to progess, and since we, not being able to be born, wouldn't have been able to progress.


You talk as if you truly believe all of these things really happened,
I expect you have other thoughts that are completely rational.
Do you not see anything wrong in thinking the way you do? Anything?

And to ask 'why on earth are you getting in to particulars?' is silly,
surly the 'particulars' are what it's all about, it's the 'particulars' which make you decide
to believe something or not, or are we suppose to just read it and not analyse it.


Veteran Member
royol said:
You talk as if you truly believe all of these things really happened,
I expect you have other thoughts that are completely rational.
Do you not see anything wrong in thinking the way you do? Anything?

I do believe they happened. True and blue happened. No, I see absolutley no problem in my way of thinking, in fact, I know of 12 million others that feel that same exact way.


New Member
God is in charge. But there is a war going on... for men's souls. A tornado is a horrible thing but it is often described a an "Act of God". We will witness and experience horrible things as long as we live on Earth where sin is prevalent. God has wiped out life in parts of the Earth due to sin. That's why it is important to follow him so you can be saved and live a life that is good in both the eyes of God and man. Obviously it's easier for me to say this than live it, but for what it's worth it's correct. God gives it's creation, humans, free will, but that is only given with the intention of one's responsibility for it. So God has made things that are described by humans as both good and evil. In the end days Satan will be given a lot of power to wreak a lot of lives, but the important thing to remember is that will pass!

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Is God in charge? I couldn't answer that question, as it seems to require that God be separate from creation, or at least be easily definable as a separate entity.

*sighs* You know, it'd be nice to be able to answer at least one question with a firm yay or nay here... :p


High Priestess
royol said:
Is God in charge of Tornados, Tsunami, Hurricanes and Floods,
Cancer, Malaria and a myriad of pain giving and death causing diseases?
or is God only in charge of Songbirds, Flowers, Sunsets and Rainbows?
Or is all of the above just Nature at work.
God created the earth. Tornados and earthquakes and such are part of how earth works. But God gave man dominion over the earth, so to ask if God is in 'charge' the answer is no. People have chosen to populate the areas of the earth were these things have occured for aeons. Do people who move to Hawaii not know they are on a volcano? Do people in California not know the dangers of living there? God is responsible for the design, but your question is like asking if Henry Ford is to blame for car accidents.


High Priestess
cardero said:
Is God in charge?
I just read somewhere on this forum that it was Satan who is running the show.
I read somewhere this morning that SATAN was a label for man's ego, I have always believed that the devil was man's ego, but thought Satan was created by God.


Religious Zionist
royol said:
Is God in charge of Tornados, Tsunami, Hurricanes and Floods,
Cancer, Malaria and a myriad of pain giving and death causing diseases?
or is God only in charge of Songbirds, Flowers, Sunsets and Rainbows?
Or is all of the above just Nature at work.

all things are created by G-d

I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am HaShem, that doeth all these things. Isaiah 45:7


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
royol said:
Is God in charge of Tornados, Tsunami, Hurricanes and Floods,
Cancer, Malaria and a myriad of pain giving and death causing diseases?
or is God only in charge of Songbirds, Flowers, Sunsets and Rainbows?
Or is all of the above just Nature at work.

As a Christian, I am non-comformist enough to believe that 'It is nature'. God 'is' and we will be reunited with God at the end of time; at infinity.