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Is God in control?


Well-Known Member
I was recently at a lovely dinner held at my sister's house. She is very religious and had several of her friends over who are members of her church. They were discussing issues of the day and bemoaning the state of affairs when one of them said "One thing's for sure. God is in control." And several of the others started nodding and repeating "God is in control." I wanted to ask them what they meant by that, but I held my tongue.

So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I don't believe that God is in control in the same way that a puppetmaster controls the puppet, which implies a complete duality, which I don't believe in.


Its only a Label

Since god is just a concept the question of control is is misplaced as existence [if that be labelled *god*] balances itself every second; only problem being most humans are not able to find that balance and live as a part of existence itself because they consider themselves as a separate entity so they create a god and also imagines that also controls them.

Love & rgds
If we seek guidance, God will guide us. We have free will to do as we please, and wether you believe it or not. Those who recognize there is a universal power that we are all part of may call this God or not, but it does not control us. If we flow with this universal power we will know much peace and joy. If we resist this flow we will know turmoil and pain. The choice is always ours.


I agree that (the global) gOd (ie. The All) is more of a "flow".

But then I don't see gOd as a "seperate" being.
(I also am not a christian, more of a christ'I'am ;))
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Well-Known Member
I was recently at a lovely dinner held at my sister's house. She is very religious and had several of her friends over who are members of her church. They were discussing issues of the day and bemoaning the state of affairs when one of them said "One thing's for sure. God is in control." And several of the others started nodding and repeating "God is in control." I wanted to ask them what they meant by that, but I held my tongue.

So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?

It is probably unrelated but often... I hold my tongue... Co-workers... Old Friends... I have one christian friend who repeatedly snaps on me and then apologizes and thats with me holding my tongue...

I dont say what I feel and I guess its because I am being polite or nice... I dunno.

Is god in control?

Swaying towards subject...

Which god? Ra?

Surely... without the sun there wouldnt be this forum...

Odin? Zombie boy? I guess my answer would depend on the definition of god in context...


Well-Known Member
So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?

You don't need to always hit your kid's pat to show that you are in control. You are in control even when you silently standing there watching what your kid's doing.


Guardian of Life
I was recently at a lovely dinner held at my sister's house. She is very religious and had several of her friends over who are members of her church. They were discussing issues of the day and bemoaning the state of affairs when one of them said "One thing's for sure. God is in control." And several of the others started nodding and repeating "God is in control." I wanted to ask them what they meant by that, but I held my tongue.

So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?

It means that whatever happens is the will of God.


Citizen Mod
I was recently at a lovely dinner held at my sister's house. She is very religious and had several of her friends over who are members of her church. They were discussing issues of the day and bemoaning the state of affairs when one of them said "One thing's for sure. God is in control." And several of the others started nodding and repeating "God is in control." I wanted to ask them what they meant by that, but I held my tongue.

So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?
God isn't in control, He is dependant upon the decisions of humans. I once heard that God had to sacrifice His only begotten son to a brutal death because some couple decided that they were hungry for apples.
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You are in control even when you silently standing there watching what your kid's doing.

This of course leads quite often to the "out of control".

That open moment when the proverbial writing on the wall,
becomes the literal writing on the wall.
(in permanent marker... or lipstick....)


Well-Known Member
I was recently at a lovely dinner held at my sister's house. She is very religious and had several of her friends over who are members of her church. They were discussing issues of the day and bemoaning the state of affairs when one of them said "One thing's for sure. God is in control." And several of the others started nodding and repeating "God is in control." I wanted to ask them what they meant by that, but I held my tongue.

So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?

Whether God per se is in control is a matter of human perception. Obviously according to your sisters friends God is in Control. In order to know and understand what each of them meant you would have had to have asked them, albeit not in a group, but individually, for each could mean a different thing and draw a different meaning from it.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I was recently at a lovely dinner held at my sister's house. She is very religious and had several of her friends over who are members of her church. They were discussing issues of the day and bemoaning the state of affairs when one of them said "One thing's for sure. God is in control." And several of the others started nodding and repeating "God is in control." I wanted to ask them what they meant by that, but I held my tongue.

So let me ask all of you. What do Christians (or other theists I suppose) mean when they say that God is "in control"? Do you agree that God is in control?

Ironically, it's their simplistic way of trying to exert a sense of control over their world, by assigning control over a chaotic world they don't understand to an all-powerful, benevolent agency.
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consciousness incarnate
In my understanding the relationship between Unity (Or God if you must) and the individualized parts of it incarnate (humans) is one of interdependance, and therefore both are in "control". Also as we are talking about something which is everything, it is logical to assume that it would be in control and out of control simultaniously.

Funny word though, control.. Thinking about it, i'am not sure that "control" applies to Unity at all. To draw a simplistic parallel, can someone say they are in control of production of their blood cells? hmm
I think it's a fear of knowing that if no force or supreme being is controlling everything, then the car is driving itself. The theists who are like this would rather have a person drive the car rather than have the car drive itself. It's also a fear of what happens after death. It may seem more comforting to know that they and their loved ones aren't rotting in the ground or turned to ashes but rather continue to live on and they can meet their loved ones and continue living. It's all a method to try to remove the fear they have. It's an illogical comfort but it's a comfort and that's what they seek because they're likely convinced that if something is to work, especially in such a complex way, for whatever reason, it must be due to a being controlling it and not that the car can just as easily sway off-course.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a fear of knowing that if no force or supreme being is controlling everything, then the car is driving itself. The theists who are like this would rather have a person drive the car rather than have the car drive itself. It's also a fear of what happens after death. It may seem more comforting to know that they and their loved ones aren't rotting in the ground or turned to ashes but rather continue to live on and they can meet their loved ones and continue living. It's all a method to try to remove the fear they have. It's an illogical comfort but it's a comfort and that's what they seek because they're likely convinced that if something is to work, especially in such a complex way, for whatever reason, it must be due to a being controlling it and not that the car can just as easily sway off-course.
I think you're spot on here. It's kind of sad, to me anyway. It's almost like a frightened child saying "Daddy will take care of everything." Yet the entire proposition falls apart at the simplest questioning.

Perhaps fear is a necessary part of religious belief.