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Is God seeking out its Creator


Because it took four thousand years to write all of the scriptures of all religious faiths and then for some strange reason the Human mind stop writing scriptures around two thousand years back so the question has to be ask, Is God now seeking out its Creator.

Because now thanks to the history of the Human race education has giving the Human race intelligence and from that intelligence comes technology of many kinds but also to voyages into the unexplored territory of outer space, which means further education that will bring further technology.

So is now a right time to ask, is God seeking out its Creator.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Because it took four thousand years to write all of the scriptures of all religious faiths and then for some strange reason the Human mind stop writing scriptures around two thousand years back so the question has to be ask, Is God now seeking out its Creator.
No, what some people call 'scripture' and 'not scripture' are just human determination and terminology that can differ from person to person. Many consider some things written in modern times as 'scripture'.

is God seeking out its Creator.
No, I think man is seeking God as he always has.


Active Member
Because it took four thousand years to write all of the scriptures of all religious faiths and then for some strange reason the Human mind stop writing scriptures around two thousand years back so the question has to be ask, Is God now seeking out its Creator.

Because now thanks to the history of the Human race education has giving the Human race intelligence and from that intelligence comes technology of many kinds but also to voyages into the unexplored territory of outer space, which means further education that will bring further technology.

So is now a right time to ask, is God seeking out its Creator.
If we look at the Biblical god, all he seems to be seeking is praise, adoration, obedience, glory, tribute, and devotion. And this from a guy who says . . . . .



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Rogue Theologian
Because it took four thousand years to write all of the scriptures of all religious faiths and then for some strange reason the Human mind stop writing scriptures around two thousand years back so the question has to be ask, Is God now seeking out its Creator.

Because now thanks to the history of the Human race education has giving the Human race intelligence and from that intelligence comes technology of many kinds but also to voyages into the unexplored territory of outer space, which means further education that will bring further technology.

So is now a right time to ask, is God seeking out its Creator.
as in....finding Himself.....in us?


Well-Known Member
Because it took four thousand years to write all of the scriptures of all religious faiths and then for some strange reason the Human mind stop writing scriptures around two thousand years back so the question has to be ask, Is God now seeking out its Creator.

Because now thanks to the history of the Human race education has giving the Human race intelligence and from that intelligence comes technology of many kinds but also to voyages into the unexplored territory of outer space, which means further education that will bring further technology.

So is now a right time to ask, is God seeking out its Creator.

Mind Energy is both creator and God. Use it wisely.


Peace be upon you.
.... then for some strange reason the Human mind stop writing scriptures around two thousand years back .....
Peace be on you.
God [not human mind] did not stop to send scriptural revelation till 610 A.D. to 632 A.D.


and furthermore:

God still continues to speak [non-scriptural revelation but within the framework of above scriptural revelation] to whom He loves:


I think if God is real then we should talk to him or her but im a man so im going to refer to god as a man, but there is something different in talking to god the same way you would talk to a human beings for example as im writing this im not thinking of replying from something that was already written but something that has taken time like, last week i didn't know what i was going to be writing here so maybe that's why it took (humans) four thousand years to write and then stop two thousand years back.

Ill ask again is God seeking out its Creator.


Peace be upon you.
I think if God is real then we should talk to him or her but im a man so im going to refer to god as a man, but there is something different in talking to god the same way you would talk to a human beings for example as im writing this im not thinking of replying from something that was already written but something that has taken time like, last week i didn't know what i was going to be writing here so maybe that's why it took (humans) four thousand years to write and then stop two thousand years back.

Peace be on you.
God asks people to pray...[it is all times standing fact. It is not something which took place thousands of years ago.]

[40:61] "And your Lord says: ‘Pray unto Me; I will answer your prayer........."

Conditions of Prayers

Narratives of answers by God in this era

Ill ask again is God seeking out its Creator.
No God is not seeking out its Creator.
God is The Creator, not only Creator but comprehensively more:
[Holy Quran ch59:v25] He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
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Peace be on you.
God asks people to pray...[it is all times standing fact. It is not something which took place thousands of years ago.]

[40:61] "And your Lord says: ‘Pray unto Me; I will answer your prayer........."

Conditions of Prayers

Narratives of answers by God in this era

No God is not seeking out its Creator.
God is The Creator, not only Creator but comprehensively more:
[Holy Quran ch59:v25] He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

We are Human beings and reality is a fully functional part of Our existence so god will always be the hope of preachers but in Human history there will always be a chair that god will be free to sit on and into a conversation.

Human History


Yes without a doubt but there's an old saying "a chair is the centre of conversation of the past and conversation of the future with in between the presence, is use as the guide"


Peace be upon you.
Yes without a doubt but there's an old saying "a chair is the centre of conversation of the past and conversation of the future with in between the presence, is use as the guide"
Peace be on you.
You have an old saying.
Please note the Following 20 [and many more in the site] are fresh, current and present day international testimonies, You are welcome to read them in full at https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2014-09-12.html#summary-tab
1=A lady from Tunisia says.........
2=An Ahmadi from Yemen says he lived in Chinese society.......
3=A 22 year old young man from Holland says that he was always interested in spirituality but was not drawn to religion
4=Sadr Jama’at Kyrgyzstan says he happened to talk to a Russian colleague at work who was a Christian........
5=A friend from Holland says he longed to have a connection with God and also longed for love of God.....
6=A lady from Libya says after Qaddafi’s regime was toppled she prayed most earnestly and passionately to God to send Imam Mahdi......
7=A driver of one of our mission houses writes.......
8=Amir Sahib Gambia writes that a friend told him that he liked the message of the Jama’at and also appreciated that members of the Jama’at were good moral people yet he wondered why all religious leader opposed the Jama’at......
9=Our missionary from Haiti writes that a new Ahmadi told him that when he was researching the Jama’at he had a dream.......
10=Our missionary from Australia writes that a Sikh who was under Tabligh accepted Ahmadiyyat Islam through a dream.
11=Our missionary from Mali writes that a person rang the Ahmadiyya mission house and said that he was an Ahmadi from that day and requested that his Bai’at was taken. When he was asked why he wanted to take Bai’at he said .....
12=A person from Conakry, Guinea says that the Ahmadiyya missionary was doing Tabligh to him but he did not have inner peace. He constantly prayed to God to show him the right path. He was shown in a dream that the path he was being invited to was indeed the right and straight path. He took Bai’at.
13=A person from Germany writes that after being introduced to the Jama’at he started watching MTA and prayed for the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and performed Istikhara Prayer. One night when he fell asleep after Istikhara Prayer he had a dream.....
14=A person writes from Egypt that he is a young Egyptian who was introduced to the Jama’at a year ago through MTA and was convinced that this indeed was the truthful sect of Islam and requested that his Bai’at was accepted. One night he prayed in a heart-rending manner for steadfastness and for a sign. He saw a dream......
15=Our missionary from Sierra Leone writes that there was just one Ahmadi Jama’at in a far flung place in Kanama region. In the adjoining village to where the Jama’at is established a young man of good morals was being crowned according to local tradition. The young man says the night when he was crowned he had a dream......
16=Someone writes from Gambia that one night he saw a dream that a person comes to him and holds him hand firmly and says Assalamoalaikum warahatullah to him
17=Niab Nazir Dawat Lillah writes from Qadian that a person called Lal Din saw a dream
A new Ahmadi from a local Jama’at of Kyrgyzstan writes that once during Asr Salat he experienced a vision in which he heard the verse of Surah Yunus: ‘And Allah calls to the abode of peace, and guides whom He pleases to the straight path’ (10:26) in his right ear.....
18=Our missionary from the Maharashtra region of India writes that in a village of the area a woman called Sultana Begum was a fierce opponent of Ahmadiyyat. Her husband had accepted Ahmadiyyat and there was great upheaval in the family
19=Our mu’allim from the Koulikoro region of Mali writes that an elderly man from a village told him that he had seen a dream a long time ago that he is climbing a very high wall. Once he reaches up the wall he sees flowers and on the right side of the flowers are some people
20=An Ahmadi lady from Egypt writes.....

Thus God is still guiding the seekers.


Yes i think everyone loves old sayings even though most of them are made up on the spur of the moment so im guessing maybe its just the words "old saying" which brings something maybe ancient but also a possibility of what the minds eye sees in the words that could be the guide itself.

Human intelligence is now the new creator thanks to history and now searching beyond old sayings and travelling far out there and thanks to the technology which is sending back information to the new creator we already know there are many earth like planets far out there in the territory call space, which means contact to similar life forms to ourselves is slowly but surely becoming a very strong possibility.

Thus God is still guiding the seekers.

If that is the case human intelligence's certainly do not want a repeat of religions one true gods history because according to religious history thousand of years back there where many gods, think of it as kind of like human intelligence is telling god "be on your best behaviour"

The reason why is because when we do eventually meet our new neighbours they just might have their own one true god and their god well as i wrote (human intelligence's certainly do not want a repeat of religions one true gods history because according to religious history thousand of years back there where many gods) yes im thinking maybe we might need a few more empty chairs for the peace table.

But then what if when we do eventually meet our new neighbours they don't have a belief in god.