Sad indeed. You've made a strawman argument attempting to make it look as if it was illogical, when in actuality, you've shown how illogical your argument was. Funny how you accused me of reversing "god" and "white" when, after your illogical belief was pointed out, you've started reversing the roles.
You said, "god is not white, then god everything." "White" is one thing amongst everything, therefore god is white. So it's a fact, that you did lied. Nothing was said about "white" being everything by either of us. God was being discussed here, not "white."
I don't think that you are a liar, I know that you are a liar. The evidence is from me observing you lied, then once that was pointed out, you began throwing more lies to cover your previous lie.
Thank you for proving that your argument was illogical. Note how illogical arguments usually end up proving itself to be illogical when it is being used as a counter argument.
Sad, but I'm sure one day you will come to accept that your argument is illogical instead of denying it and trying to cover it up with lies after lies.