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Is Hell really a place of fiery eternal torment?


New Member
My belief that surely God is more merciful than to torture someone for an eternity.
Unless of course eternity means until evil or sin is burned out of us.
God has always had a reason for what he does could hell be a rehab of some sort?:shrug:


Brother Rock
i see alot of ," I believe, or My belief is", type of statements.

my question, is does the belief system have an origin, or is this just what your hoping and wishing?

right or wrong to you, i believe in what i do and go back to the KJV for roots to this belief.

what are your roots or origin of your beliefs?

a lot of people tend to use Jesus as a justification to there beliefs, but a lot of their beliefs are not in any bible i have ever read.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Bobuk25 said:
Many religions believe that Hell is a place of eternal torment of the wicked, does such a place exist? Is the concept of someone being eternally tortured what we would expect from a God of Love?

angellous_evangellous said:
Really? Which ones?

Ya know, I'd like to hear the answer from bobuk25, or anyonelse that fells that they can name all of the religions (not sectarian differences mind you, but truly differeing religious ideologies) that either claim, or believe in, some existent or literal "Hell".

Can one apply understandings of human nature towards an ominpotent deity? Most gods would fall short of the evinced nature of humanity's established sense of justice, equality, and fair play. Most god(s) of popular superstition/mythology (inluding Christianity) are unabashedly jealous, vengeful, unrestrained, and conflictingly ambiguous in their dispensations of either punishment or reward. Who can explain why a "God of Love" would allow a busload of forty pious believers to plunge to their terrifying final moments of mortal existence at the bottom of a ravine, whilst a crazed and pitiless serial killer claims his fortieth victim in cold bloood and torture? Would any human endowed with such powers be loved, honored, or cherished as supremely "good", or "loving"?

Gods that depend upon men to administer their divine justice upon other men within this mortal realm are but cowards, and tyrants . Why worship any god that claims especial privilege beyond the justice of the mankind he fosters? Shouldn't any god be a role model for his adherents first and foremost, instead of some little cowardly sh!t that establihes moral/ethical rules for others, then blithely ignores the rules whenever similar standards of accountability and responsibility are likewise applied?

At one time in history, Zeus was the most "popular" deity around. No longer today. Has Zeus ceased to exist, or have his adherents diminished instead?

Gods only exist while there are sufficient numbers of believers to testify to their god's existence....which always begs the question...do gods need believers more than believers need a god?


Not your average Mormon
rocka21 said:
i see alot of ," I believe, or My belief is", type of statements.
Of course. What else is there?

my question, is does the belief system have an origin, or is this just what your hoping and wishing?
My belief system has an origin and is not just based on hoping and wishing.

right or wrong to you, i believe in what i do and go back to the KJV for roots to this belief.
Sounds like a good place to start.

what are your roots or origin of your beliefs?
The scriptures and a living prophet.

a lot of people tend to use Jesus as a justification to there beliefs, but a lot of their beliefs are not in any bible i have ever read.
Sure they are. Most Christians can substantiate their beliefs through what the Bible says. They may just interpret it differently than you do. Or, like me, they may not believe that the Bible is a complete record of everything God has ever communicated to men.


Brother Rock
Katzpur said:
Of course. What else is there?

My belief system has an origin and is not just based on hoping and wishing.

Sounds like a good place to start.

The scriptures and a living prophet.

Sure they are. Most Christians can substantiate their beliefs through what the Bible says. They may just interpret it differently than you do. Or, like me, they may not believe that the Bible is a complete record of everything God has ever communicated to men.

sorry that post was for josie. I should have quoted her.