In the past White men in America thought it perfectly legitimate to enslave Blacks, punish them by the whip, and lynch them if need be in order to ensure their servitude. However, if a Black man today were to say "I dislike Whites because of their history of violence towards my people" he would undoubtedly be shut down. The Founding Fathers of my nation held Black slaves and today historians think many of them weren't even truly Christian but "enlightened men." But even skepticism (not sure we could call them true atheists) did not stop them from thinking that all men were not created equal.
In the past Darwin's cousin, a scientist known as Francis Galton, used only his thoughts about science and heredity to create one of the most dangerous philosophies that has found its way into multiple human horrors and tragedies but we don't sit around saying that genetics is flawed, only that Galton's thinking was flawed and fringe. Even though James Watson, one of the most famous geneticists still alive openly preaches that certain races are smarter than others we have stripped him of influence rather than claim he speaks for all genetics.
Throughout the 20th century the medical world developed into the behemoth of advanced technology it is today. It also committed some of the most inhumane research we've ever seen. From proposing that the propensity to be a criminal is tied to heredity and so forcefully taking blood from children they suspected might become criminals to test their theories to the terrible Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, which effected hundreds of Black men when effective treatment was available.
The idea that Islam is particularly susceptible to being used for evil or that religion is particularly responsible for the majority of wrongdoing in the world is a fallacy. Immorality can come from anywhere and takes different forms. As a person in grad school for Bioethics, a field specifically created to fight against immorality and unethical actions coming from science, I can tell you it's been a lot more than just making sure animals are treated humanely in experiments. I can also tell that while Science isn't killing people anymore, it continues to perpetuate injustice in its own way, but that's off topic (perhaps I'll create another topic for that later).
Now, feel free to tell me "None of those examples are Science, Duraza. Those are people misusing science or the name of proper science." And I'll say in response "Terrorism is the misuse of Islam." And trust me, I'm not arguing this because I'm a Muslim or I think Science and religion are equivalent. That's not at all my bias, I just feel that there isn't sound logical basis for saying one but not the other.
For me, the question is not "Is Islam inherently violent," because no religion is inherently anything given that it can change. But that is not the real problem: The real problem is that much of Islam, indeed much of the mainstream of Islam, is currently violent, and currently intolerant, and that needs to be reformed.
All that said, I do agree with this. I have no problem with agreeing that Islam is an issue because
today Islam is one of the largest reasons for violence. I'm not arguing against you at all on this point. These comments are only aimed at dissuading others from thinking that there is something particular to Islam.