Let me give people like you an answer very similar to the same bogus propaganda that you spread.
Quoting the poster @2ndpillar
Is it all right for a Christians to kill any one from any other religion, even if the Christian scripture says to slay/kill any apostate, and Jesus himself killed a boy who defied him while God killed so many communities of human beings, even babies, animals, while saving only the virgins sometimes for God knows what? The New Bible's, written in the late 21st century, were made the canonical Bibles in the 20th century, and all others thrown left for other abslutists, there are at least 23,000 living manuscripts of the Bible with every single one having variations which if counted overtakes the number of verses in the Bible, which things are absolutely irrelevant to the bigotry that can be shown against people.
I think people who play this cheap gutter game should be returned with similar gutter games.
The Muslim stories/traditions that indicate that Isa ibn Maryam/Yeshua breathed into a clay bird and brought it to life is nothing but a copy of a Gnostic writing, and is no more true than when the Quran says that Abraham and Solomon lived in Mecca of Arabia. Abraham probably passed through the old city of Mecca located between his land of Ur, and the home of Haman, where his nephew Lot lived. And there were no elephants, irrigation canals, nor fruit orchards in the Mecca of Arabia, but instead, at the city of bowing, Petra, originally the holy city being Jerusalem prior to 70 AD. The traditions of Islam are simply stories taken from other times, places and people. The only historical Mohammad Al-Ta'i figure, controller of the nomad Arabs of Persia, was the king/governor of Hira (Al- hirah), who was put in place by the Persian (Sasanian) emperor, in order to control the Arab nomads, was Iyas ibn Qabisah, in the early 600s, who actually initially fought against the Arabs with the Sassanids until later changing course.
As for "Christians", and their NT, which was canonized in 367 AD by way of the power of the Roman Empire and its church leaders, they know and admit they have a lot of variations, and that any errants, such as Joan of Ark, were burned, and the writings of supposed detractors were burned (text of Arius), and the pope even made a public confession for the church's part in the killing of Joan of Ark and the persecution of Galileo. It is the Muslims who claim that there is only one Quran, and by way of the Quran, that Allah protects that Quran, and not one word has been changed. Hatun is hated because she went out and bought at least 36 different Qurans and shown at least 93,000 variations, when all the variant Qurans were supposed to have been either burned in the 650s by Uthman, or thrown into the Nile in the 1920s by the Egyptians. Hatun is wrong in that she follows the example of the false prophet Paul, but western civilization, up until now, gave people the right to be wrong, or right, as is the present case of cancel culture mentality. The original church of Jerusalem, the Ebionites, were like the northern Arab Umayyads, written out of history by another following sect, the Arab Abbasids of Arabia. They used Persian writers to write out the Umayyads in their traditions by the use of their Persian background stories in the 9th and 10 century, around 200 years after the death of the supposed Muhammad of Arabia. The "Christians", and the Muslims are on parallel courses. Both on the wide path to "destruction" (Matthew 7:13), both following false prophets of Matthew 7:15.