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Is it possible that more than one religion is true?

Is it possible that more than one relgion is true?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • They all have part of the truth

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
All religions speak to truth. Each has its own perspective and understanding of truth. Religions differ only in the metaphors they use.


Avid JW Bible Student
Who invented religion? Certainly not the Creator. It does not serve his interests at all. But in order for his worshippers to stand out as different, there had to be a standard expressed by him, and by which all humanity would be judged. We are, after all, one species.

I believe that there can only be one truth....and all humans have is a "belief" that their "religion" (or lack of it) is going to lead them in the right direction. If they didn't think it was right, they would not adhere to it in the first place. But with so many choices, humans often see-saw between beliefs or even invent their own religion to suit what they want to believe. It's as if there is a religious supermarket out there and people are "shopping" for what suits their palate. A little from here...a little from there....a label or even a collection of labels.

Unless the Creator actually reveals himself and shows people the truth about everything in some form, all we can do is trust our instincts and hope for the best. If he has provided a guidebook containing his truth, and he is standing back watching our responses to the things in life that force us to make choices, then maybe he is testing us out to see what we will do with this life, if left to our own devices and freedom of choice.....? Could he have a reason to do this?
He has provided guidance, but only if we choose to live by it.

What do we think the Creator sees if this were the case? Do all religious paths lead to the same place? Perhaps....but is it a good place at the end of the day...and is it what we have been expecting? Only time will tell.
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Veteran Member
For me if there is one religion arrogantly declaring their the only true religion, then I would put them on the bottom of the list, religion is a personal adventure, it was never meant to be an organization, which only kills the spirit, the spirit lives within each one of us, the load mouth religion's will be the one's who will be rejected, the meek who keep their religion to themselves will be the one's who will be excepted.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Not all relgions contradict each other, and even some of the early forms of Abrahamic relgions where very close to the pagan religions. As relgions age many seem to go towards a Universilist concept. Could it be possible that more than one religion is true.

Yes, in a sense.

The idea behind pluralism, which is what I am before anything else, is that there are multiple "correct" ways, but there's also plenty of "incorrect" ways. Sort of like how if you want to go from LA to New York, there's multiple routes you can take that will work, but getting there via a polar circumnavigation, or going in the direction of the Moon, just ain't happening.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Not all relgions contradict each other, and even some of the early forms of Abrahamic relgions where very close to the pagan religions. As relgions age many seem to go towards a Universilist concept. Could it be possible that more than one religion is true.

Truth in what way?


Well-Known Member
Not all relgions contradict each other, and even some of the early forms of Abrahamic relgions where very close to the pagan religions. As relgions age many seem to go towards a Universilist concept. Could it be possible that more than one religion is true.
IMO, absolutely. I believe most faiths have some truth to them. But I don't believe any one has all the answers or is the only voice of God. That, IMO, limits God.


Well-Known Member
I just answered another thread where they author asked if I thought my religion was the only true one.

The term true is relative when we talk about this. What are you really asking? There's religions similar/spun off from my personal beliefs (I don't call my beliefs a religion, it's just the Bible, which is a book, which is the Word of God, not a religion).

Some of them are very likely... "true." Satanism, for example, performs reverse exorcisms, and follows the fallen rebellion of lucifer and his angels. I believe that satan and his fallen angels are real, so if it is someone's goal to end up away from God and His kingdom, and to avoid His salvation, then they would have it by doing the things that group does.

So that's true, right? I also think many of the minor gods and idols through time were demonic in nature (that is, fallen angels or angels who have sinned and are in rebellion toward God), and those I think are real, so those "religions" are "true" too, I guess?

So what are you asking, really? "Do you think your beliefs are the only way into heaven/afterlife. Do you only "win" with your religion?" Again, if you want everlasting life and to dwell with God, who is the creator of all, for all eternity... then you'd need the salvation of Jesus Christ. You won't get it anywhere else. Is that what you meant by "true"?

If that is not your particular desired outcome however, then pick something else and good luck. Whether you end up where you think you will is not up to me, in liklihood it will be either a lake of fire, a great furnace, outer darkness, or complete destruction. None seems appealing, but alas, if that's what you want... there you go.
Why is it that every single Christian in the world trots out that old "go to heaven or you go to hell". That threat, and it IS a threat, is old and tiresome. Do you honestly think that is something that will draw people to your faith???


Active Member
Why is it that every single Christian in the world trots out that old "go to heaven or you go to hell". That threat, and it IS a threat, is old and tiresome. Do you honestly think that is something that will draw people to your faith???

Maybe because we believe it's a real issue? I guess you could construe it as a threat (I don't think it is, but I suppose I am biased there), however, you'd be mistaken to think it is my personal threat toward others. The threat, as you call it, is what God has spoken, not me. My job is to just make sure people know about it. You liking it is not a requisite.

As for drawing people to my faith, with your tone, I suppose you think my motives are something they aren't? I don't want people to believe what I believe because I want to feel good about making people believe what I do. I don't get frequent flier miles, or comissions... I'd like them to know who Christ is so they, too, can have eternal life, which is far better than eternal death.


Well-Known Member
Maybe because we believe it's a real issue? I guess you could construe it as a threat (I don't think it is, but I suppose I am biased there), however, you'd be mistaken to think it is my personal threat toward others. The threat, as you call it, is what God has spoken, not me. My job is to just make sure people know about it. You liking it is not a requisite.

As for drawing people to my faith, with your tone, I suppose you think my motives are something they aren't? I don't want people to believe what I believe because I want to feel good about making people believe what I do. I don't get frequent flier miles, or comissions... I'd like them to know who Christ is so they, too, can have eternal life, which is far better than eternal death.
I understand the reasons behind what you do, however, as a theologian, I know that this tactic is seen as a threat by most people who are confronted with it. You have no way of knowing what you believe is true. You believe that it is but for many, your faith is not something that draws them to God. There are many paths to God and one paper I had to write, or rather did write for my PhD, was how God can be reached through many ways. God is not just a part of your faith but God is a part of many. My path, which is Buddhist, has some who believe in God, and some who don't. I respect that you believe as you do and honor that but many, including me, see things differently. It would be refreshing to have someone like you respect other's faiths as well.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that Satan can live in Paradise after his treason and arrogance? No right?
So too it cant be possible for two religions or more to be truth....