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Is it possible to believe in both God and Evolution?


Left the Forum
""So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." "

Maybe one would be enlightened by reading the Quran:

[Quran 3:7] He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.

[Quran 3:190] In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those who possess intelligence.


Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Maybe one would be enlightened by reading the Quran:

[Quran 3:7] He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.

[Quran 3:190] In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those who possess intelligence.

I tried suggesting reading Proverbs and he responded by," Proverbs ain't the Gospel."


Active Member
Why not? The story of creation in the Bible,in my view, is not meant to tell us exactly how God created us but that He did. Darwin may have changed some people's understanding of God a bit but let's not forget God's eternal and has the right to create as He wishes. I'm sure there is a lot about God that we do not know and could not understand anyway.


Why not? The story of creation in the Bible,in my view, is not meant to tell us exactly how God created us but that He did. Darwin may have changed some people's understanding of God a bit but let's not forget God's eternal and has the right to create as He wishes. I'm sure there is a lot about God that we do not know and could not understand anyway.
I am in agreement with you.
Why couldn't God have used an evolutionary proccess?. I see him as a scientist of sorts and I don't take the creation story literally.


Intentionally Blank
I am in agreement with you.
Why couldn't God have used an evolutionary proccess?. I see him as a scientist of sorts and I don't take the creation story literally.

Yes, although I am not Christian, this seems like the only rational position for a Christian. Since ToE is correct, your theology needs to either (1) take it into account or (2) be wrong. [ or (3) reject science, which is scary and dangerous.]


Well-Known Member
I am in agreement with you.
Why couldn't God have used an evolutionary proccess?. I see him as a scientist of sorts and I don't take the creation story literally.

The god you're suggesting is a creator god only, it left the scene long ago, it has no part in the universe today.


Active Member
:) Hi.. science and religion for many people of faith go hand in hand as Einstein once said " religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame." Let's not forget the great scientists like Copernicus, Isaac Newton and of course the "father of modern genetics" Gregor Mendel who was a man of profound faith, a monk actually. It is easy for many people to be both. Einstein saw behind the order of the universe an intelligence so great as to in his words "make human intelligence insignificant." Many religious people today hold degrees in mathmatics, physics, geology , biology etc. The truth is that for many scientists faith and science are friends.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
:) Hi.. science and religion for many people of faith go hand in hand as Einstein once said " religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame." Let's not forget the great scientists like Copernicus, Isaac Newton and of course the "father of modern genetics" Gregor Mendel who was a man of profound faith, a monk actually. It is easy for many people to be both. Einstein saw behind the order of the universe an intelligence so great as to in his words "make human intelligence insignificant." Many religious people today hold degrees in mathmatics, physics, geology , biology etc. The truth is that for many scientists faith and science are friends.

Wow you are good, thank you so much for your post. Here is one of mine earlier.

As I have stated before, I feel God did "create" the heavens and the earth through "evolution". There were and are Christian, Jewish and Muslims scientist who felt and feel the same way. Genesis is at odds with a few of the steps of evolution, but most of them are in lockstep with one-another. One must also consider symbology when reading Genesis, Revelation and other parts of the Bible.


Active Member
Thanks Jeremy. And for sure are not the parables Jesus used to explain about the Kingdom not symbology as well? There are lots of things in scripture meant to be taken literally i.e. Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal etc. There's not much doubt in my mind we are supposed to take many things literally but how would you teach evolution to people who lived 2500 years ago or even 300 years ago without a shred of evidence and what would have been the point. And I agree I see Genesis as an abbreviated account but in line with what we know and in both science and scripture the earth existed before us. If we keep them in their proper context science and religion need not be combative as much as complementary.


Active Member
Not likely. I live in beef country but I believe in applying a rational approach to the "Thou shall not kill" commandment .:D Gotta log off for a bit have a nice day.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Actrually the science of evolution and belief in some god are at great odds, and always will be.

It's because your mind and heart are calloused. When was the last time you read a book that involves some type of god. A good easy reading book is Sadartha by Herman Hess. It's a real page turner.


Not your average Mormon
Wow you are good, thank you so much for your post. Here is one of mine earlier.

As I have stated before, I feel God did "create" the heavens and the earth through "evolution". There were and are Christian, Jewish and Muslims scientist who felt and feel the same way. Genesis is at odds with a few of the steps of evolution, but most of them are in lockstep with one-another. One must also consider symbology when reading Genesis, Revelation and other parts of the Bible.
Can you imagine God trying to explain to the people of Old Testament times how He really created the earth? Holy Cow! They wouldn't have been able to make any sense of it at all. It's kind of like the story we've all heard about how Johnny asks his mom, "Where did I come from?" and she gives him this long, involved story about the birds and the bees. His response is, "Oh. Bobby came from Milwaukee." I believe that Genesis explains the miracle of the creation, but does so in a manner that the people living thousands of years ago could relate to. To me, it shows a divine plan and a logical execution of that plan. I fully believe that the universe has evolved over billions of years and I fully believe that God was in control every step of the way.