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Select the ones you agree with:

  • 01: Truth has nothing to do with Religion

  • 02: Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

  • 03: Peace has nothing to do with Religion

  • 04: Love has nothing to do with Religion

  • 05: Non violence has nothing to do with Religion

  • 06: True Religion exists

  • 07: Superior Religion exists

  • 08: There are inferior Religions

  • 09: My Religion is superior

  • 10: My Religion is not superior

Results are only viewable after voting.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Is it smart to claim "my Religion is superior"?

There is no harm if one's claim is supported by peaceful and reasonable arguments in a peaceful dialogue, rather it is great service to humanity if one does that truthfully, please, right?
I agree with you. I have no problem with anyone who, in a socially appropriate context (such as a religion forum), very tactfully, peacefully, and rationally presents their reasons why they think their religion is better.