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Select the ones you agree with:

  • 01: Truth has nothing to do with Religion

  • 02: Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

  • 03: Peace has nothing to do with Religion

  • 04: Love has nothing to do with Religion

  • 05: Non violence has nothing to do with Religion

  • 06: True Religion exists

  • 07: Superior Religion exists

  • 08: There are inferior Religions

  • 09: My Religion is superior

  • 10: My Religion is not superior

Results are only viewable after voting.


Veteran Member
Below facts should make people wonder, who see their Religion as superior to other Faiths:

Truth has nothing to do with Religion

Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

Peace has nothing to do with Religion

Love has nothing to do with Religion

Non violence has nothing to do with Religion


Neither Theism nor Atheism is superior


Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non Violence can be achieved with or without Religion or Faith in certain systems, and were there long before Religion originated

Well, that is my view on this
What do you think, believe?
Last edited:


King Phenomenon
Below facts should make people wonder, who see their Religion as superior to other Faiths:

Truth has nothing to do with Religion

Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

Peace has nothing to do with Religion

Love has nothing to do with Religion

Non violence has nothing to do with Religion


Neither Theism nor Atheism is superior


Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non Violence can be achieved with or without Religion or Faith in certain systems, and were there long before Religion originated

Well, that is my view on this
What do you think, believe?
What is truth?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Superior in what way?

That it validates my personal experiences more than other religions? If it didn't, what reason would I have to identify with it?

That it is objectively better than others? Given we have all had different experiences and varying beliefs based on these experiences, how would one even measure this?


Veteran Member
Superior in what way?
For example: A Christian claiming "my Religion is superior, and you can't reach Heaven, unless you follow Jesus" .. that kind of way (assuming God, Heaven exist)
That it validates my personal experiences
NO, definitely not meant in that way. Then I would have used the words "My Religion fits best for me"
more than other religions? If it didn't, what reason would I have to identify with it?
That it is objectively better than others?
That gives the clue away ... belief is belief, how to objectify that?
Given we have all had different experiences and varying beliefs based on these experiences, how would one even measure this?

Hence my Thread "Is it smart to make such claim"


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Below facts should make people wonder, who see their Religion as superior to other Faiths:

Truth has nothing to do with Religion

Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

Peace has nothing to do with Religion

Love has nothing to do with Religion

Non violence has nothing to do with Religion


Neither Theism nor Atheism is superior


Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non Violence can be achieved with or without Religion or Faith in certain systems, and were there long before Religion originated

Well, that is my view on this
What do you think, believe?
My opinion is that if you believe your religion is SUPERIOR then you’ve fallen into the trap

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Below facts should make people wonder, who see their Religion as superior to other Faiths:

Truth has nothing to do with Religion

Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

Peace has nothing to do with Religion

Love has nothing to do with Religion

Non violence has nothing to do with Religion


Neither Theism nor Atheism is superior


Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non Violence can be achieved with or without Religion or Faith in certain systems, and were there long before Religion originated

Well, that is my view on this
What do you think, believe?
I basically agree. The important thing is to treat others with decency, respect, inclusion and common sense.

Lots of people who have various religious beliefs and lots of people who have no religious beliefs try their best to do the right thing by other people every day.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
There's a lot of bad religion. So being able to say that one practices good religion means it's superior to all the bad ones by default.


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
But my religion says it's superior, and since my religion is superior it must be right, therefore my religion is superior. :cool:
I say I’m superior, and since I’m superior I must be right, therefore I REALLY AM superior.

That’s effectively what that means…
It’s circular.

Is this satire?
Or is that something you genuinely use?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Such a weird poll.

I don't think I can name any aspect of human culture and lifeways that has "nothing" to do with religion. Everything listed in options one through five are addressed by some religions, so they can't have "nothing" to do with them.

"True" religion quite obviously exists, as many who practice their cultural/religious traditions find them to be true in various senses of what that word can mean (and there are several). So I guess I marked that one.

"Superior" and "inferior" is just a weird way to refer to culture or religion, but quite obviously exist. Whether something is "superior" or "inferior" is largely subject to perspective, so all religions are both of these, including my own. Unless something actually specific is named, one can't say more than that. Superior at what? It's pretty obvious some traditions are better suited to some things than others, or more ill-suited to some things than others. Be specific.

And for the last bloody time, religion =/= theism; irreligion =/= atheism. Why do we keep conflating these?!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So everyone is to guide to the truth except the only one who truly can, God?

God guides to the truth and is in reality the source of truth and towards which truth ascends as well.


To answer to the thread tittle, a smarter human that has knowledge and experience can say, most likely, that his religion is superior.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is the light and darkness equal?
Is the seeing and blind same?
Is the guided and misguided lead to same destination?
Will God treat those who enjoined truth and those who avoided it to follow caprice the same?
Will God treat those who guard against the evil, defeat the sorcery of Iblis, and see things with mental clarity like those who gave into Iblis, and worshiped Satan heedlessly and are lost in a web of doubts?

Is one who is on clear proof from their Lord like those who are caught in the ocean of darkness of their own making?

"What is a matter with you how do you judge?" - Quran.