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Is it true? Are there at least two sides to every story?

Are there at least two sides to every story?

  • Total voters


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Is it true? Are there at least two sides to every story? Please answer yes or no and provide your reasons.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I was going to vote yes, but then reconsidered it.

I think in most cases, there are multiple accounts. But I think in at least a few situations, what is recalled may be exactly the same between multiple people.

So I'm going to answer: I'm unsure.


Believer in God
Premium Member
A "story" is not an objective thing, it is a thing put together by human minds, both on their own and with other human minds

Occasionally a story may even be written down

People will always have different perspectives of reality that is the nature of reality

So yes, every story is different according to both who's hearing it and who's telling it

It's a matter of there being different perspectives


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I vote yes, because, a court of law is considered fair when it makes its judgments after hearing from both sides of a conflict, not before. And. I cannot think of any story which does not have multiple sides, multiple ways of considering it.

Goldilocks and the three bears? What is the story from Goldilock's perspective? What is the story from Papa Bear's perspective? What is the story from Mama Bear's perspective, etc...

Are there any stories which has 1 individual point of view and none others?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I was going to vote yes, but then reconsidered it.

I think in most cases, there are multiple accounts. But I think in at least a few situations, what is recalled may be exactly the same between multiple people.

So I'm going to answer: I'm unsure.

Oooh. Good answer. I had not considered the case where the two individuals have identical experiences. I have a very strange idea, I think you're going to like it. But, I'm going to reserve it for now and wait for more replies.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
A "story" is not an objective thing, it is a thing put together by human minds, both on their own and with other human minds

Occasionally a story may even be written down

People will always have different perspectives of reality that is the nature of reality

So yes, every story is different according to both who's hearing it and who's telling it

It's a matter of there being different perspectives

thank you :)


Well-Known Member
Well I voted yes. Mainly my love of history makes me feel quite strongly about this. It is why the subject is one of the humanities not a science.

Should somebody find a purely one-sided story please show us, but I would suggest adding a warning that "this may be subject to change".


Premium Member
Is it true? Are there at least two sides to every story? Please answer yes or no and provide your reasons.
Have you ever been in an argument where you realized after you didn't understand each other at the time. Have you ever debated on this site and realize the person was interpreting your words wrong.

There's a saying you can't understand another person unless you walk a mile in their shoe's. I tell you that's nieve. You can never fully understand another person and that's why each we have a different version of the same story.

Edit: In fact your own story will differ in an hour, a day and a year etc


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Two? Oy vey, you're lowballing it!

There are innumerable of sides to every story as there are innumerable points of view to take on any events that occur.

Take an event as "simple" as a human walking down a sidewalk. There's the point of view of the sidewalk itself. The grass to either side. The ants crawling on the sidewalk. The Sun shining down on the sidewalk. The wind blowing across it. The gravity pulling downwards. The speck of gravel on its surface. I could go on... and on... and on...


Well-Known Member
Is it true? Are there at least two sides to every story? Please answer yes or no and provide your reasons.
There are at least two valid answers to your question. :cool:

I think the key would be exactly what "a story" actually is. If two people are describing their understanding of the same events, is that one story with two sides or two stories?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Two? Oy vey, you're lowballing it!

... the question in the OP is phrased: "at least two".

There are innumerable of sides to every story as there are innumerable points of view to take on any events that occur.

Take an event as "simple" as a human walking down a sidewalk. There's the point of view of the sidewalk itself. The grass to either side. The ants crawling on the sidewalk. The Sun shining down on the sidewalk. The wind blowing across it. The gravity pulling downwards. The speck of gravel on its surface. I could go on... and on... and on...

... the speck of gravel ... yes, I have been considering it. But, it's not my fault, your honor, @JustGeorge planted the idea into my unsuspecting squash. It's taken root and now, well, the results are plain to see.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
A story can be made up by one person eliminating two sides.

Show me? I would expect it would be a simple short story.

In my mind, I tried to include any story of any sort, fiction or not is irrelevant. I cannot produce a story with only one side and no others. But that's just me. If you can write one, I will be very very impressed. My vote is: JustGeorge is the closest to finding a valid counter example. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to discuss that specific example.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Show me? I would expect it would be a simple short story.

In my mind, I tried to include any story of any sort, fiction or not is irrelevant. I cannot produce a story with only one side and no others. But that's just me. If you can write one, I will be very very impressed. My vote is: JustGeorge is the closest to finding a valid counter example. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to discuss that specific example.
It's called a first person narrative.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
There are at least two valid answers to your question. :cool:

Nice...... :)

I think the key would be exactly what "a story" actually is. If two people are describing their understanding of the same events, is that one story with two sides or two stories?

If they are witnessing the same event, then the story includes each of the witnesses. Yes, that example, in my mind includes two sides.

What exactly is a story? A story is at least one noun with at least one corresponding verb. The shortest story ever told? It's in the Christian bible. It's only two words long. But, if a person actually places themself in the story, it can be rather impressive.

Jesus wept.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
It's called a first person narrative.

Each and every first person narrative has another side to it. Pick one, anything, and I'll show you. Or write one...

ETA: The different sides come from the different observers in the story, not the number of authors, or a first person perspective.

For example: I went to the store and bought a candy bar. <--- simple first person narrative. Another side of the story is coming from the cashier.