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Is it wrong if my religion is Satan ?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Is it wrong my religion is Satan ?

God is of waste of my time so perhaps Satan will help me .
Usually, people who choose to worship Satan are rebelling against Christian morals. Christianity teaches to love your neighbor as yourself and to have self control. La Vey Satanism teaches selfish narcissism. It's dysfunctional. It may help you justify cheating on tests and your income tax, so that in the short run you come out ahead, but in the long run you really just don't have as good a life. Narcissists do not experience true joy, love, and bliss, because they are not willing to make the sacrifices necessary. IOW they do not experience life to its fullest. They trade the richness of experience for shallow pleasures. It's a cheat. If you want to throw your life away, worshipping Satan (which is another way of saying worshipping yourself) is an effective way to do so.

You say that God is a waste of your time. Can you tell me what you mean?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I don't know exactly whom is doing this to me / has done me harm , I just know they have in many ways . Pure evil , that thrives on my pain I feel because I have spirit and they do not want the light of my holy spirit to shine . They want to make me hate , they are succeeding .
No one can make you hate. It's a choice. If you choose to harm in return, you have chosen to hate. It will basically eat you up from the inside out.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try to persue justice. You can go to parents, principals, police... They are there for this. Justice systems exists so that there is an eye for an eye, and not the death of an entire city for an eye (revenge).

But even if you receive justice, you still have to make the choice whether to forgive or hate. The feelings don't go away just because the man who assaulted you goes to jail for six months. If you choose to hate, you aren't further hurting the one who hurts you. All you are hurting is yourself. It rots your soul. You become bitter over time, less able to experience life's joys.

Forgiveness is letting go of the need for revenge. It isn't saying that it was okay what happened. It's just letting go of that angry hunger. Then you can heal, and love again, feel joy again, truly live again to the fullest.

IOW, forgiving doesn't really help the other person nearly as much as it helps yourself.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I use too always pray to God in my mind but now the internet has made me so cold , like a candle with no flame . I suppose I'm to blame for being partly insane from feeling to deep and always trying to seek answers of my own existence in a mystery of life .
My words try to mean well , because I feel like hell , but I still am trying to help others , although and often I feel smothered , can't breath in panic , start to feel manic .
My heart races with time , cry and whine , for forsaken , shaken but not stirred , might sound absurd but we all learn . You might think me mad , that I'm glad , I probably am .
James, if you have an ethic of helping others, Satanism is not the way to go.

It sounds like you are a sensitive sort of person who suffers from mood swings, and right now you may be going through a depressive spell. It is impossible during a depression to sense the presence of God. You seem to have a natural spirituality, since you are asking the deeper questions about your own existence and the mystery of life. My guess is that you need a religion of some sort, though you are probably never going to a typical member o any religion. This "Dark Night of the Soul" that you are going through is actually one of the best times to seek God, because you are seeking with an earnestness, depth, and authenticity that is rarely found. I wouldn't give up on God quite yet -- it's just the night talking.

james blunt

Well-Known Member
In my view God is good and beautiful and he/she created everything good and beautiful. By definition really, Satan is the opposite of this and, therefore, is not God. Why relate to non-God as if he/she is God?
Satan is anyone who wants to run this world ................


Active Member
Is it wrong my religion is Satan ?

God is of waste of my time so perhaps Satan will help me .

Maybe try thor? Powerpuff kids seem pretty solid and have a lot of recent work. Could probably source their writers more reliably than whatever ancient texts your dabbling in.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Because LeVey Satanism is the teaching and practice of narcissistic selfishness. At least a hypocritical Christian will teach love, even if they don't practice it.
Not all Satanism is LaVey Satanism, and LaVey's Satanism is not exactly narcissistic or selfish... you are misinformed.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
LaVey's Satanism is not exactly narcissistic or selfish... you are misinformed.
Yeah, it is. He plagerized that social Darwinist Might is Right book for the first part of the Satanic Bible. LaVey tied Satanism to right-wing Ayn Rand social Darwinist bs. To this day, Satanism has a problem with being infested with neo-Nazis and psychopaths, thanks to LaVey and the type of thinking he encouraged. LaVey also had a fascination with Fascism and Nazism. He was close to various neo-Nazi and neo-Fascist types in the '80s, such as Boyd Rice and Nikolas Schreck (husband of LaVey's daughter, Zeena), among others. I strongly suspect that LaVey was a self-hating Jew (he came from a Jewish Chicago family).

Satanism and the Far Right