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Is Jesus the Son of God...or is HE God.


Doubting Thomas
I believe in Jesus as the Son of the Father. Some believe Jesus IS God becasue Jesus performed miracles. Apostles did the same.

The issue I have with many Christian religions is that they place Christ on the Throne while I believe HE sits at the right hand of God the Father. So many criticize the Catholics for "praying to Saints and or Mary" Yet they pray to Jesus. Jesus prayed and instructed us to pray to His FATHER. THE FATHER.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the Trinity and the separation implied. I believe praying to the Father directly is what Jesus did and what we should do.

I believe so much emphasis is placed on Jesus and not God the Father. I believe God GAVE UP HIS ONLY SON for our salvation. Jesus did as he was told to do. It was not HIS sacrifice but His Fathers. HE suffered so we would have something to SEE. He was raised so man would have something to SEE and spread the news this all was done to help us understand God is willing to sacrifice for us. Can we do the same for Him?


Well-Known Member
I believe in Jesus as the Son of the Father. Some believe Jesus IS God becasue Jesus performed miracles. Apostles did the same.

Jesus is God the Son. His father is God the Father. They sent God the Holy Spirit to give life to the Church. Yet there are not three gods but one God.


Not your average Mormon
I believe in Jesus as the Son of the Father. Some believe Jesus IS God becasue Jesus performed miracles. Apostles did the same.
I see "God" as a title by which we address or refer to any of the members of the Godhead. While I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not simply a different manifestation of God the Father, I believe that it's entirely accurate to speak of Him as "God."

The issue I have with many Christian religions is that they place Christ on the Throne while I believe HE sits at the right hand of God the Father. So many criticize the Catholics for "praying to Saints and or Mary" Yet they pray to Jesus. Jesus prayed and instructed us to pray to His FATHER. THE FATHER.
You're absolutely right. But let me take this a step further and ask you how He could sit at the right hand of God the Father if God the Father has no physical form. Stephen saw what you're saying you believe. What do you think it was that He saw, if not a Father and a Son?

I believe so much emphasis is placed on Jesus and not God the Father. I believe God GAVE UP HIS ONLY SON for our salvation. Jesus did as he was told to do. It was not HIS sacrifice but His Fathers. HE suffered so we would have something to SEE. He was raised so man would have something to SEE and spread the news this all was done to help us understand God is willing to sacrifice for us. Can we do the same for Him?
Hmmm. Somehow this doesn't sound like the typical Catholic perspective I'm used to hearing.


I believe in Jesus as the Son of the Father. Some believe Jesus IS God becasue Jesus performed miracles. Apostles did the same.

The issue I have with many Christian religions is that they place Christ on the Throne while I believe HE sits at the right hand of God the Father. So many criticize the Catholics for "praying to Saints and or Mary" Yet they pray to Jesus. Jesus prayed and instructed us to pray to His FATHER. THE FATHER.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the Trinity and the separation implied. I believe praying to the Father directly is what Jesus did and what we should do.

I believe so much emphasis is placed on Jesus and not God the Father. I believe God GAVE UP HIS ONLY SON for our salvation. Jesus did as he was told to do. It was not HIS sacrifice but His Fathers. HE suffered so we would have something to SEE. He was raised so man would have something to SEE and spread the news this all was done to help us understand God is willing to sacrifice for us. Can we do the same for Him?

Well, if you believe Jehovah is God, then, you don't have a basis for argument, because, Jesus is Jehovah himself, the Son of the invisible God, the Spirit of Love, which no man hath seen at anytime nor his name been revealed to anyone, at this time.



Jesus is the son of G-D and is seperate from G-d as an entity and the holy spirit is seperate from the other two.
Three seperate beings not one body incarnate.


Doubting Thomas

Hmmm. Somehow this doesn't sound like the typical Catholic perspective I'm used to hearing.

Ah But I am not speaking from a Catholic perspective. I am speaking from a Biblical perspective. Jesus was raised in BODY. Therefore He is not God who is Spiritual as was said.

I do NOT accept any man's interpretation of events as factual due to Religious dogma.
I do not believe the Pope is a descendant of Peter. I do believe he is the head of an organized religion based not only on the Bible, but many events and beliefs held OUTSIDE that source of inspiration. In this regard I can only seek for the truth myself becasue there is ONE BIBLE and hundreds of DIFFERENT interpretations and Religons based on it. Some more out there then others.

Which leaves me alone in my faith. I manifest it in the Catholic Church for the reverence and the Evangelists for the message. I see no issue with calling on the dead for advocacy but to exclude God and make Jesus the Center is something I believe Jesus himself would take issue with.


Not your average Mormon
Ah But I am not speaking from a Catholic perspective.
Fair enough.

I am speaking from a Biblical perspective. Jesus was raised in BODY. Therefore He is not God who is Spiritual as was said.
I don't know if you missed my other question, but I'm curious as to how you would answer it...

Acts 7:55-56 says, "But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God."

Since you're speaking from a Biblical perspective, and believe that Jesus was raised in bodily form, how was it that Stephen saw Him standing on the right hand of God? It seems to me not only that this implies that there are two distinct beings (as you seem to believe), but that he was able to distinguish one as being on the right hand of the other. How do you reconcile this with the concept that God has no form?


Premium Member
What I believe is this: Jesus was the Son of God while on earth with His Apostles and God when He returned. He was called The Son because He was born of a woman.


Please no sarcasm
I believe in Jesus as the Son of the Father. Some believe Jesus IS God becasue Jesus performed miracles. Apostles did the same.

The issue I have with many Christian religions is that they place Christ on the Throne while I believe HE sits at the right hand of God the Father. So many criticize the Catholics for "praying to Saints and or Mary" Yet they pray to Jesus. Jesus prayed and instructed us to pray to His FATHER. THE FATHER.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the Trinity and the separation implied. I believe praying to the Father directly is what Jesus did and what we should do.

I believe so much emphasis is placed on Jesus and not God the Father. I believe God GAVE UP HIS ONLY SON for our salvation. Jesus did as he was told to do. It was not HIS sacrifice but His Fathers. HE suffered so we would have something to SEE. He was raised so man would have something to SEE and spread the news this all was done to help us understand God is willing to sacrifice for us. Can we do the same for Him?

I think you're going the right direction. Jesus did pray directly to the Father. Not to himself, but to another being--his Father. Much of Christ's life was an example to us--how to pray, how to be baptized, how to set up his church, how to treat others.
Christ payed the ultimate price for our sins by shedding his blood in the Garden of Gethsemane and dying on the cross. God the Father sacrificed his only begotten son for us. Just as Abraham was called on to nearly sacrifice his only son, Isaac, as a prophecy of the later ultimate sacrifice. Both times involved a father and a son. Except God the Father had to see it through; nobody stopped it. It was done to save us all.


this is what totally ruins christianity for me the trinity! it makes no sense , you start to think well christianity seems to be the faith for me then Bam they hit you with the trinity


Well-Known Member
We have many threads with this as the topic of debate. I personally do not believe Jesus to be God Almighty because he was a mere man with flesh and bones such as you or I. I do not believe God to be human but an unexplainable force which brought the universe and everything within it into existance. A kind of ultimate reality and conciousness which cannot be explained or understood by our feeble minds. If Jesus is God, then he really didn't do a good job of explaining it during any of his recorded sermons. He speaks of being one with God but then says that his disciples should be one with him, although we know that we are not literally Jesus...

I understand that many people hold to the belief that Jesus is The Almighty and that is just fine by me. Afterall, none of us can say for sure what the truth is. If the truth was so evidently clear, than we would not all be having these debates to begin with. I guess we will all know in the end. If I am burning in the lake of fire, than I was wrong.....I guess that is what I deserve for coming to a different conclusion in a world that God created with soooo many choices, none of which can claim to bring facts to negate the others...Correct?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
WOnder who came up with the idea of the trinity - a very strange concept.

I'm thinking...St Paul?

The last verse of 2 Corinthians (the numbering varies by version) says, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."


Not your average Mormon
this is what totally ruins christianity for me the trinity! it makes no sense , you start to think well christianity seems to be the faith for me then Bam they hit you with the trinity
So be a Christian who doesn't believe in the Trinity. That seems simple enough to me, and it worked for Christians for 325 years.