What do you mean "cheat"?
I just looked through a bunch of message boards and forums discussing CIV and cheating. The comments come down on both sides of the issue. Here are parts of an exchange...
- Meanwhile at turn 50 the AI's population has grown to 3 while mine is at 2 and he has produced a settler and he has produced a warrior. This is at prince difficulty. How is this even fair?
- At prince the AI and you are completely even. If an AI is doing better than you it has some kind of advantage in its terrain.
But I can empathize. I have often wished for the ability to "see" what and how some AI got so much so fast.
Nevertheless, I look at these as difficulty levels, not as cheating.
I suck at combat flying (IL2 1946) but I can hold my own against a Rookie AI. Any higher level and I don't last long. I don't consider that to be cheating on the part of the AI, just better tactics.
I have also watched youtube videos of human players vs human players. The victorious players are on a level so much higher than me it's ridiculous.
So, errrr
this is where he tells you about the changes in difficulty in your old civ1 game
Difficulty level (Civ1)
Humorously, the author says, “Since the computer players are controlled not by actual AI (like Siri or self-driving cars), but by
simple sets of rules which don't result in very effective play, the game makes the AI leaders more challenging opponents by giving them advantages on higher difficulty levels. The bonuses conferred to both human and AI players on each difficulty level are listed in the table below.”
Your sense of awe is slightly misplaced. Of course, you may
try prove me wrong with other new strategy games and their difficulties. In other words, I’m asking for actual evidence. Asking for evidence are key defining features of an atheist. Therefore, I implore you to support claims with evidence, not wishful thinking or assertions.
I realise this may be tough, but sometimes the best decision is to admit you’re wrong. It seems like this is especially difficult for you.
I remembered that you don't look at links when it directly goes against your world-view with evidence, which is very mature of you. So, I copy pasted the material. I do apologise if I'm especially harsh on you, but I believe I'm being reciprocal to this ad-hoc dialogue. If someone independent wants to verify my belief, I'm perfectly willing to accept observers critiques if my mannerism was not reciprocal.
Element Chieftan Warlord Prince King Emperor
Endgame year 2100 AD 2080 AD 2060 AD 2040 AD 2020 AD
Starting Cash 50
Content Citizens1 6 5 4 3 2
CP Rows of Food2 16 14 12 10 8
CP Resource Cost Multiplier3 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8
CP Lightbulb Increment Per Advance4 +14 +13 +12 +11 +10
Human Player Lightbulb Incremement Per Advance4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14
Barbarian Unit Attack Strength Multiplier 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
Parley Coin Demands Multiplier5 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
Civilization Score Multiplier6 0.02% 0.04% 0.06% 0.08% 1.00% (?)
1 The number of people who will be created in a
city who are born content.
2 The number of rows in the computer player's
food storage box (i.e. how long it will take for a city to grow). The number of rows in the human player's box is always 10.
3 All computer players have their costs to build
units and
city improvements multiplied by this amount.
4 Each time an
advance is discovered, the cost (in lightbulbs) of acquiring the next increases by this amount.
5 In a parley with another leader, enemy leaders will often demand payment for peace. Note that they will always offer peace at the Chieftan difficulty level, as if the player permanently has the
Great Wall or
United Nations.
6 The score is calculated the same on all difficulty levels. However, when it comes to high score ranking, the final score is converted to a percent in order to account for the difficulty.