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Is liberalism in crisis in the West?


Well-Known Member
If you had good arguments, you wouldn't need to resort to snark. Life is too short to mess with this sort of nonsense.

have a fine day.

Spare me the whine friend .. I know you got the case of hurtebutt having your position crucified .... now whining "If you had good arguments" yet clearly they are good enough to send you running from the playground name calling and mumbling gibberish .. and being snarky. Don't let the door smack you on the way out sport :)


Veteran Member
Liberalism (classic liberalism) did a whole lot more than that! It freed people from serfdom and indenture, it freed them to think for themselves, and to live according to their own lights. It allowed freedom from the imposition of religion (and yes, religions did keep track of who was at church or temple or mosque and who wasn't, and imposed sanctions on them for not attending). It allowed women to own their own property, vote and hold office, and eventually it even accepted people previously sidelined, like LGBTQ+ folks, or free-thinkers and atheists.

Liberalism swept away monarchies (or at least removed their power, leaving nothing but symbolism) in favour of more representative forms of government, leading eventually to the abolition of slavery and, later, rights for working men and women, education for all -- and, yes, universal human rights and freedoms.

You don't think those things are "useful" to the common person?
I do actually. It was fun while it lasted


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes it does -- "Only 700 Posts" you exclaimed ... cb
You've posted less than that in your time here on RF.
So your claim of posting here often is wrong.
Thus you've missed my posts dealing with wokeness.

Geeze Louise....people who suggest I'm poor at
math should check their work before lashing out.
Hey, what's your math background?


Well-Known Member
You've posted less than that in your time here on RF.
So your claim of posting here often is wrong.
Thus you've missed my posts dealing with wokeness.

Geeze Louise....people who suggest I'm poor at
math should check their work before lashing out.
Hey, what's your math background?

False logic .. false assumptions .. down a rabbit hole of Ad Hom Tom foolery - I have been posting very often lately which refutes your false nonscense down a rabbit hole of "who cares - desperate to deflect from topic .. which is your propaganda indoctrination .. woke propaganda .. so your posts about the woke must have been love letters .. which thank goodness I was spared from reading.

Have you figured out yet that the Wiki DNC hack leak did not harm our electoral process ? See if we cant start pulling a few poison lizards out.


Well-Known Member
You've posted less than that in your time here on RF.
So your claim of posting here often is wrong.
Thus you've missed my posts dealing with wokeness.

Geeze Louise....people who suggest I'm poor at
math should check their work before lashing out.
Hey, what's your math background?

"Math Background" - .. your claim is a patent falsehood .. ability in math and logic lacking .. failing understand what a valid metric might be for assessment of the term "often"

What is "often" define your terms -- and all you need know about my math and logic background is my ability far exceed yours .. a fact that will be laid bare as soon as you attempt to define the term you are using .. one which left time out of the equation.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"Math Background" - and check what word .. your claim is a patent falsehood .. ability in math and logic lacking .. failing understand what a valid metric might be for assessment of the term "often"

What is "often" define your terms -- and all you need know about my math and logic background is my ability far exceed yours .. a fact that will be laid bare as soon as you attempt to define the term you are using .. one which left time out of the equation.
Bless your heart.


Well-Known Member
Bless your heart.

I am already blessed Brother Revolt - with logic and math ability well above yours.. but this is no reason not to try to support your False assertions .. correct the error of your ways .. rather than deflecting away in denial.

Why do you consider 700 posts not often ? .. what number of posts gets the "Often" rating in the math challenged projection room at the cancel culture club ? :) heh heh


Well-Known Member
Humility too.

You OK there Rev ? .. you were crying out exhorting your math abilities after making nonsense accusations but, now seems you can't speak nor define your terms - clarify your position .. and certainly not support what you say .. only able to slobber out desperate personal invective.

Come now .. you can do better .. How many posts does one need to have to be be considered often over at the Cancel Culture Club these days ? Enquiring minds want to know :)

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Listened to an interesting lecture by Alec Ryrie from Gresham College about Christianity cozying up with Fascists. Examples he gave were the Deutsche Christens of Germany during the Nazi Era, Catholic support of Mussolini, and the support the Catholic Church of Spain gave to Franco during the Spanish Civil War. In these cases, Christians saw godless Communism as the real threat and any strongman who opposed it got their support.

This is EXACTLY parallel to MAGA Christian support of Trump in the US. Boebert, Green, and many, many Fundamentalists and their preachers, and right wing commentors rage about Communism and Socialism in US politics and culture (though if you tried to pin them down on it, they couldn't define either.) They then throw full-throated support to the 'strong man' who tried to seize the presidency by fraud or force.

IMO, these are very enlightening and eloquent lectures. There are four on-hour lectures here. I refer to the first one:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't swing that way.
But ask @Wu Wei.

Not interested in which way you swing Friend .. as this will not save your position from up the creek without a paddle status :)
and not interested in what you and friend Wu Wie are doing with the paddle either :)

Did you have any comment on the degenerate state of the Liberal clown show !? that is what I am interested in ! and do learn Chess notation for further enlightenment :)