The Scientist reports the conclusion: there is no definite proof, that Phosphine is on Venus, thus, more research must be done.
To which I reply:
If there is reasonable doubt, that Russel's teapot, Tesla car, Phosphine, dead cats or dogs are on Venus, then it is not necessary to do more research. Please stop the research in these directions! Believe your common sense, lady! I do not want to pay them my tax money! They are chasing ghosts and their own imagination. Space is a vast thing. I see no reason to move in this particular direction: to find Russel's teapot on Venus. One has the need to set more realistic goals and more practical programs. Is lifeless Venus destroying Evolutionism?
“questfortruth” said:
Is lifeless Venus destroying Darwin?
I still haven’t gotten in reply from you,
@questfortruth , in the connection between the OP and the thread’s subjectline.
What do
Darwin and the
theory of Evolution (particularly Darwin’s Natural Selection) have to do with trying to find life on the planet Venus?
Darwin and other biologists have only focused on observations of life here, on Earth. It have nothing to do with life on other planets in the Solar System or elsewhere.
So whether they life or not in other planets, don’t in any way, shape or form, affect our tested current knowledge of evolution, not only Natural Selection, but also Mutation, Genetic Drift, Gene Flow & Genetic Hitchhiking.
Plus, Evolution only focus on biodiversity, not the origin of first life (Abiogenesis). Evolution require life already existing, whether they are currently extant or they are extinct.
Abiogenesis Is a separate field of study, but it is still a hypothesis...
...but it is a working hypothesis, as they are still actively researching and investigating how life may have started here, on Earth, and not some other planets.
So what does your thread’s topic & OP have to do with Darwin and Natural Selection?