Luke 22:42
Jesus prayed saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
Considering it says "Jesus prayed" I think it's safe to say this verse is about Jesus. But someone on here told me:
"That is Adam, not Jesus His Pre-Eminence. Adam prayed those prayers in the Garden of Eden before he ate the fruit."
It's an interesting take does anyone have more knowledge on this interpretation? Why did Adam pray about this to God, did Adam know he had to eat the fruit to fulfill God's plans but he didn't want to?
This sounds like an LDS take on Adam being a hero instead of a villain, implying that his disobedience was God's will and not his own. Talk about twisting the scriptures.....
This interpretation has nothing to do with anything in scripture. If Adam had prayed a prayer like this in the garden before eating the fruit, then it would show that God was not the best 'parent' in advising his son about activity that would cause him to lose his life and bring sin into the world with all the woes that it has brought on mankind. (Romans 5:12) Remember that Adam had direct contact with his God.
It would mean that God told his human creation to have children but then make it impossible without breaking that command. What nonsense!
The Edenic scenario was a simple test of obedience......the one negative command they had, imposed no hardship on the pair in any way. What it did was test their love, their loyalty, and respect for what their Sovereign had placed in his own possession. It was not theirs for the taking like every other tree in the garden. For Eve, it was stealing from their Creator in the hope of being more like Him.....but for Adam it was much more serious. The woman was "thoroughly deceived" but Adam wasn't.
1 Timothy 2:13-14...
"For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and became a transgressor."
Adam was the one educated by his God before his wife was presented to him. He, in turn was to educate her and together they would educate their children....humans were not created like the animals to act only on instinct. They had free will, but it would have to come with limits. Taking free will too far would mean imposing on the free will of others....and that is what happened when Adam joined his wife. Men started to dominate others to their detriment.....within one generation Adam's firstborn murdered his brother in a fit of jealousy.
The devil used the less educated woman as bait.....her partaking of the fruit forced Adam to divide his loyalties.....he chose to side with his wife, but the consequences were dire. It would mean that the 'sin of the father was visited upon his children'. It was Adam whose sin determined the future of the human race. The pair showed no remorse.
What would have happened if Adam had refused to take the fruit from his wife's hand?....a whole different scenario would have resulted. That is what free will means...the ability to make choices whilst being aware of their consequences. The devil lied....but God did not. If they had simply obeyed on the basis of what they had already been given, they would not have lost it all, for themselves or their children.
Jesus was in the same position when the devil tempted him.....he had the future of the entire human race on his shoulders (he was 100% mortal human....with free will like Adam). Had he caved in to selfish interests like Adam did, we would have lost our redeemer and our hope. But Jesus did what Adam should have done, always referring back to God's instructions and acting on them.....and we thank God for that and the trust he placed in his firstborn son to complete his mission. It was a great act of love on the part of both of them. (John 3:16)
God launched his rescue plan right then and there, (Genesis 3:15) but it was a long range plan to ensure that a situation like this could never happen again. Our Creator is a will is preserved as the gift it was meant to be, and everlasting life can be restored on this earth as God originally intended. All we need is patience whist God brings it all to its foretold his own time and in his own way. (Revelation 21:2-4)