I appreciate what you say, but from the Christian standpoint, breaking the law is not an option. The legality of marijuana is indeed an issue for Christians.
Alcohol is not forbidden to God's worshippers, but drunkenness is. It is we who must exercise our conscience in this matter. Alcohol is not illegal but causes many of the woes that humanity suffers. Nicotine also is in that category.
The powers that be have their reasons for not legalizing cannabis when other more potent (and more expensive) prescription drugs are available. The illegal trade in drugs such as methadone and Oxycontin prove that these prescription drugs are already being abused. It doesn't make their legitimate sale illegal. So one wonders why a medicinalized form of marijuana remains unavailable for use in many countries where it could do the most good.
I don't believe the reasons are valid....I believe they are financially motivated because it would cost so much less to produce medicine from an easily cultivated herb than from artificially produced drugs. How many pain relieving medicines would it make redundant? What cost would that entail for the pharmaceutical companies bottom line? I don't have confidence in this greedy system.