Science looks at things, ideally, with an open mind. People tend to think that something they can't see is not real. If you are a scientist who doesn't believe in the possibility of highly intelligent sentient extra terrestrial beings, and then you see them with your own eyes, knowing that it isn't an illusion of some sort, caused by chemical inducement, mental issues, or trickery of some sort, then you would become a believer and have to either keep quite about it or buck the system which would probably result in your finding another profession.
But that's unlikely to happen. And if those highly intelligent sentient extra terrestrial beings have existed for centuries in folklore or the Bible, that only diminishes your likelihood to take them serious.
The real problem that I've seen when science tries to investigate spirituality is that their first step is almost always based upon a false premise. For example, when they try and make something out of the celestial phenomenon in the book of Revelation they start by assuming that the writers were primitive ignorant people who were afraid of things like eclipses and then try to equate those types of events with the writing. When in fact, those writings are metaphorical applications to political and social upheaval.
The Greek word for spirit is pneuma, from which comes the English pneumatic and pneumonia. It can be translated, depending upon context, to mean wind, breath, mental inclination. These are things not thought to be out of bounds in the realm of science. But it can also mean spirit creatures, which are invisible, intelligent, sentient, extra terrestrial beings capable of doing things we are not capable of. If you make the assumption that those sorts of beings can't possibly exist, like we once did giant squid or whales, which were once thought to be supernatural, then they are not likely to be studied or taken seriously until they reveal themselves in some way which bucks the system to the point where it couldn't ignore it.
I do believe that the Bible indicates that this type of event is going to happen. At some point in the future those who are living at that time, many who doubt, will be convinced. But this will be a brief moment in time relatively speaking.