Maybe we should distinguish between “Philosophy” and “Natural Philosophy”?
Philosophy - Wikipedia -
Natural philosophy - Wikipedia
Natural philosophy or philosophy of nature (from Latin
philosophia naturalis) was the philosophical study of nature and the physical universe that was dominant before the development of modern science. It is considered to be the precursor of natural science.
Then again: “The precursor of natural science” was/is the empirical and mytho-cosmological knowledge which was told and illustrated symbolically in most ancient cultures, especially in their cultural Stories of Creation, which is very similar all over the world, even though different symbols sometimes were used for the same cosmological issue.
The big question is if we can decipher the ancient telling and connect this and the connected symbols in a way that provides a scientific explanation. If taking the ancient Stories of Creation, these sometimes confirms the modern science and sometimes they contradicts these.
The ancient telling’s don´t speak of a creation of the entire Universe, but “just” of the ancient known part of the Universe, namely our Milky Way galaxy. The Universe and everything in it was considered to be eternal and everything is forming and dissolving eternally. That is: No idea of a Big Bang in the ancient tellings.
The formation of our Solar System and everything else is created in the Milky Way center and it participates in a spherical electromagnetic circuit.
This ancient telling is cosmologically more precise than the modern scientific explanation of the Solar System.
Read more of this Mytho-Cosmological site where the Stories of Creation is connected to the Milky Way Mythology, the empirical and spiritual knowledge of the ancient cultures -
Ancient Science. The Ancient and native Way of Knowledge